Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Social Hermit Speaks

I could say that I am a partial social hermit. I do go out but I don't fancy spending my teenage years walking around town under the hot sun from building to building not unless I had a car to go about town. Then again, I can't get a driver's license until end of next year.

However, as hermit as I could get, I was pretty sure car park was never in the hangout list. Apparently, most kids these days seem to think that Kuching Parkson is the hippest hangout. Even the car park for goodness sake. What is so hip or cool or whatever term they use to describe it, over hanging out in a dark, dusty car park inhaling carbon monoxide? I suppose lung cancer is hip as well... *snorts*

Few days ago, I went up to Riverside Cineplex to check if they were screening Hitman. I was greeted by herds and packs of teenage kids squatting along the ticket corridor, jamming it pack and smoking while displaying gruesome public affection. I suppose it is their view of displaying 'coolness'. Disgrace.

I am going to consider full time social hermit as an occupation until I get my driver's license.

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