Thursday, November 8, 2007


A dead computer is a blogger's worst nightmare. Yes, you heard it. My computer was in a state of comma three days ago and I had it sent to the 'hospital'. Apparently, the DRAM had some issue and hence, I got it changed to 1GB and since it was already at the 'hospital', I got a new burner for it too. Well, I supposed it will be at the 'hospital' for a few more days or maybe even weeks. Blogging now from a Acer Travelmate that has tons of wires plugged into it (external broadband modem, speakers, woofer and USB cabels) and installing MSN Messenger. Spent half an hour setting up the broadband connection and three network bridges and outcome, INTERNET CONNECTION! I face the truth that I cannot live without computers and Internet...

Last Tuesday was the Hari Kecemerlangan Teresian Raptai and on Wednesday, it was the actual thing. Started at 8.30am, we had to wait for the big shots to arrive and as usual, they were typically late. Boring thing, read 'True Believer' by Nicholas Sparks throughout the speeches until it was the start of the award receiving. Had to get up and down the stage 5 times. Got the award for Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan, Pelajar Terbaik Kelas, Pelajar Terbaik Fiziks, Pelajar Cemerlang Kokurikulum (Menembak) and Pelajar Cemerlang PMR (Rm50.00). Comes with plagues only for the first four, money for the last and certificates for all.

Today's the last day of school, we only had school until 9.30am, clean up. We were lucky enough to get to stay in the Chemistry lab. Since one of the rules in the lab was that we could not move things around, we concluded we will only 'clean up' by arranging the lab chairs. Too lazy to blog, having an issue with MSN messenger now.

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