Monday, October 29, 2007

Free Health Screening

Today was the Free Health Screening thing organized by Red Crescent Youth Unit #8 and done by the officers from the Health Department and General Hospital. They had some pretty cool contraption for measuring height and I grew! I am officially 168cm. Don't get jealous Jonas. So, they tested for Body Mass Index, glucose level and blood pressure. All the staff seemed rather keen to get all three tested. Towards the end of the Free Health Screening thing, I ended up playing bingo with Michelle. Yes, I was starting to get pretty bored by the time it was empty in the junior lab. I was unbeatable (inserts coughing sound effects).
Lady in pink signing up with Edith and Annie at the counter. A Gabrielle can be spotted by the window.
MJ and I playing Bingo (I won all rounds!) and Annie staring at us...

We got our school magazine today, pretty unique the cover and lots of brown inside. My PMR photo and class photo looks as if I have been cropped, copied and pasted. I'll upload photos of the school magazine maybe tomorrow afternoon. Fancy magazine this year, lots of coloured pages compared to the previous years. I got back History and Moral paper today. I am so not a memorizer, I need at least 10 terrabytes to fit all information that require memorizing. I got a 78 for Moral (mixed up the words in the nilai) and a 70 for History (uberly lousy at the Islam part). I got a 47/50 for my Chemistry objective though, that's a bright side of today's papers. From my observation, my Physics and Chemistry seem much better compared to History and Moral. Hunch says that both will outbeat Biology too. Getting back biology tomorrow, must meditate to prepare myself to get my heart broken tomorrow.

Anyway, it's the donkey's birthday today. So, a very happy birthday to Perry and the same goes to Cordelia too.

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