Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ah Lian all harajuku

Ah, a pretty bad shot if you ask me. Mainly because I was sitting pretty far from the shop so I zoomed in and I did not have my flash on. I was at Jalan Song, the Ling Loong cafe taking my dinner at around 10.00pm and then my mum suddenly commented on that the manequins. As you can see, the big manequin did not have a head while the small one had a head. So call theory is that the shop couldn't afford a head for the large manequin because it cost too much and they could afford a head for the small manequin because it was cheaper. Anyway, the storekeeper wore lots of stripes, stripes, stripes, stripes and more stripes! And I also noticed that many of the clothes hanging in there, women clothing of course, had beaded necklaces sewn onto the shirts. I mean what's the deal with them?? Are people lazier these days to throw neckalces over their heads until they need it ready sewn onto their clothes??? Wait... that would mean that women are lazier these days or the fashion designers intend on pampering women to make them lazier.
I should dress like this tomorrow... Anyway, nowadays look at teenage girls or even those twenty-plus year olds who still think they are prancy young teenagers, all dolled up like harajuku girls! With those thigh-high stripe hights and over-accessorizing with clashing clothes. I mean, they think it's what, fashion?? Style?? I call them all "cutesy Ah Lians". I mean, come on I understand that if you live in Kuching there is not much clothing stores to pick from but if you love funky so much what happens to MNG or Miss Sixties or some other more sensible clothing lines?? What's it? Personal style?? Oh please. This is just some stupid copycat from Japan. And then these "cutesy Ah Lians" will pose with the "cutesy" pouts and big goggling eyes upwards at them camera. All these "cutesy Ah Lians" just find some way to get on my nerves. This is the shocking and terrible fashion sense that had suddenly hit Kuching. I have several reasons why I think harajuku dressing in Kuching is nothing but plain stupid.

1. The weather here is warm and humid and you slap on layers and layers of clothes, trying to prove what? That you can withstand humidity under layers of frabic??
2. You already have on a skirt or shorts, why need tights?? People invented tights in the northen countries to keep them warm. Here, what's it for? To ward off UV rays??
3. It's okay for the pattern and colours to not match but clothes pieces that don't match?? So wrong! For example, you wear slippers and socks, any 3 year old kid can tell you that it is so freaking wrong!

Three ways on how the Malaysian government can solve this harajuku epidermic...

1. Issue free issues of fashion magazines along with the newspapers. Black and white print also doesn't matter.
2. Educate these teenagers starting from primary school on how to dress themselves properly.
3. Set up campaigns on "Kata Tak Nak" to harajuku dressing.

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