Saturday, September 9, 2006

US Open 2006

Maria Sharapova wins US Open 2006!
She actually won the US Open Women’s Finals against 2nd seed Belgium’s Justine Henin-Hardene! It was in this morning’s news. The match was on ASS at 8.00am this morning and I missed it. So I’m going to watch the delayed match at 5.30pm later. Yesterday morning, third seed Sharapova played a really amazing game against first seed Amelie Mauresmo from France with 6-0, 4-6 and 0-6. She gave really strong forehands and it was clear that Mauresmo was starting to lose confidence and kept hitting off-court. Sharapova gives great forehands, way better than her backhands. Of course, when Sharapova gets on court, it’s high time to lower the volume of the television. For once, Sharapova actually wore something that looked much better than her usual fancy Nike tennis clothes. She wore this light blue tennis dress which looked a million times better than her ‘little black dress’ that she wore to the night matches. It was this glittery black tennis dress that the sports commentator commented as ‘Maria’s ugly little black dress’. Yesterday’s Henin-Hardene vs. Jankovic match was pretty impressive too. Sixteenth seed Jankovic played pretty well on the first set but Henin-Hardene won the match in the end. You know what, now Sharapova actually has a place in my list of top 5 tennis players. Now Sharapova has like two titles, 2004 Wimbledon champion and 2006 US Open champion. My list of top 5 women and men tennis players:
  1. Justine Henin-Hardene
  2. Maria Sharapova
  3. Daniela Hantuchova
  4. Elena Dementieva
  5. Martina Hinggis

  1. Andy Roddick
  2. James Blake
  3. Nadal
  4. Tommy Haas
  5. Roger Federer

Honestly, I think the only sport that I can sit still in front of the television for hours to watch would be tennis. I sat down for five hours in front of the television yesterday afternoon watching the Henin-Hardene vs Jankovic and Sharapova vs Mauresmo matches. Later I shall spend several hours again to watch the delayed match of Sharapova vs Henin-Hardene. After the last day of PMR on the 6th of October, I’m going to go for tennis coaching at the BDC courts. My very first time touching the tennis racket and playing tennis, I managed to hit the ball back twice, serve the ball across the net, hit the ball over the tennis court fences and played for 2 hours 30 minutes straight from 3.30pm to 6.00pm at Damai’s court one. Tennis is a heck lot of fun...

Bad luck strikes again…
Guess who I ran into last night at Sarawak Plaza? With luck as bad as mine, you would probably think I ran into Hitler or something but I ran into something far worst by a million times, Jas’ gang. I went looking for Still Fantasy (Jay Chou’s latest album) but sadly, it isn’t out yet.

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