Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More statements of the day

More statements of the day...

  1. I haven't got much time to blog due to PMR next week.
  2. Jason is being a pest AGAIN as he ALWAYS is. Ain't he the lousiest!
  3. Puan Wong positively blamed Rhe, Mich and I for complaining about the class atmosphere being too noisy. Frankly speaking, why would I even complain in the first place if I was one of those noise contributors, rite?? Speak of the devil...
  4. I know I said this many times but... I WON A BET WITH JAS! Muahahaha! He owes me coffee.
  5. Christine attempted her first try to blog today and miraculously, ran into an obscene pop-up. So much for a first-timer blogger.
  6. Rhe and I were fooling around with Rhe's ambition form yesterday. Rhe filled in one of her 2nd option with bartender, her 3rd options with international supermodel, taxi driver and maid.
  7. PMR is next Monday.
  8. Good luck to all those sitting for PMR & SPM.
  9. PMR is ending soon.
  10. My birthday is coming...and Kenny wished me Happy Birthday last week (?) because he thought it was my birthday. (he's over-stressed from mock SPM...shhhh)

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