Friday, December 16, 2005

I woke up at 3pm today! Horror! I can't believe I slept through all the renovation racket made downstairs...hibernating human like Clarence says. Oh well, going to watch Narnia tomorrow with some of my friends. So unbelievable, felt like last year I just sat for upsr, next year pmr!!! Fast...last year 13, this year 14, next year 15! And like some of my friends are 16 and it felt as if just yesterday they were 14! Oh well, what to do, this is the process!!! See ya, sayonara! Oh yeah, I'll be back tonight, approximately 11pm+ because I got violin lessons until 9pm. So bored now. Just came back from violin lessons. I didn't practice for a week because my strings all went out of tune....hahaha, Mr. Kon knows, cause I told him that when he told me I played that study quite good. Hahahaha. Next year tentatively, my lessons will be on a wednesday, 5.30pm. This Wednesday, i got extra piano lessons with Mrs.Ling at Rock Road, 9am! Then tuition later at 2pm! Will be doing Christmas shopping next week, plus school-stuff shopping (uniform, bag, black pants for RC...etc..etc..) Let me see..I didn't realise that school reopens on a Tuesday! Odd though, usually its a Monday. Gosh, wake up at 5.45am..reach school 6.15am...gosh...can't believe this routine is repeating again! Haiz..Theo went offline dad spoilt d drill for like the 2nd time! Kay, I'll go surf d net now, ciao.

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