I feel richer by RM50.00 today and I'm quite sure that is a pretty positive way to start my day. Let me reflect on how my week has gone by so far. Pretty uneventful except that I got to judge a debate between two Form 4 teams yesterday together with Azureen, Kristen, Nishanti and Puan Chan. I quite miss the fun of debating or rather the fun of arguing.
I wonder how does one survive an individual who appears to refuse to show any respect to your attempts to pay attention in class especially with SPM lurking darkly around the corner. Well, I openly admit that I cannot tolerate that. I doubt my good friend can either. All I ask for is to just have some "me-time" in class when that individual isn't chatting away on top of his voice in class at such a high amplitude that I can feel my ear ossicles vibrating in frustration. Exasperated. Annoyed. Agitated. Infuriated. Desperate.
People might question me, don't you talk in class too?? Of course I do, I mean like d-u-h who doesn't talk in class? Of course I do my talking at a moderate amplitude and I am pretty certain that I do not babble nonstop on top of my voice during most lessons. All I demand for is some peace from that individual or at least a lower range of amplitudes to be used. I got sensitive ears and now they feel sore and I feel pissed.
No doubt I'm getting a bad impression from my subject teachers this year and it is not like it is entirely my fault either. Ya, I hope the whole universe reads this. Martians, Earthlings and all. Sucks that this particular individual just don't seem to respect the times when both of us actually want to study.
I mean come on, these things do not require people telling or in this case, blogging. It is o-b-v-i-o-u-s that it has to be done. A little bit of common sense and some manners would tell anyone that people just need respect for the moments they are trying to do their work or pay attention in class.
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