Caught in a minor awkward 'no-comment' sort of situation today during Modern Mathematics class. Wait, allow me to replace minor with MAJOR. People seem to have a tendency to ask rhetorical questions and leaving you in a situation of "erm... *nod, nod, nod*...err...*nods some more*...no comments?" That was what the teacher was creating with rhetorical questions about a certain rather heated past event which linked to what that happened during Modern Mathematics class today. Those questions, don't even have answers to them! Unless you're planning to scald yourself with hot water then go ahead and answer a yes or a no...
Exams, exams, exams, the school just wants to kill all of us for our own good. Finals *slumps* this 4th of October 2007 until 25th of October. There will a break on the 11th of October (hints: it's my birthday) for St. Teresa's Feast Day and then the 12th of October until the 17th of October for Hari Raya and bummer, finals continue on the 18th of October until 25th of October. I'm going to be FORM FIVE NEXT YEAR!!! Mind you, I did not type that out with an excited mood as Form 5 simply screams Sijil Penilaian Menegah and study, study, study.
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