A question we would ponder about. During Moral period today, Christine, Rhe and I got so bored so we did caricactures of what we would look like in 80 years time. Rhe and Christine did stick-men caricactures but a drew a portrait of Christine and somebody we usually disturb her with *cough*. It looked like a hag and a warty, beardless Santa Clause. Moral was absolutely boring until we resolved to 3 boring games of Bingo, which, nevertheless failed to cure our boredom. Furthermore, nearly half of the class was gone, busy wrapping stuff for the school food and funfair.
SMK. St. Teresa Food and Fun Fair...1st July 2006
Preparations for the food and fun fair are being done now. This Friday, we all got to go to school to set up our stuff. No books, no bags, no school uniform required on that day, just any school T-shirt, shorts/pants and shoes. There would be lots to be done! The fair is this Saturday, so be there and support my class, 3A1! Buy plants, food, drinks, play games, request songs or buy food from our Hilton food stall. Don't worry...101% guranteed no stomach aches after that. I would be having two shifts on that day, 7am-9am at the plants stall with Rhe and 9pm-11pm at the games stall with Kris, Zahira, Azureen and Amirah. Anyway, I added a slide show to my blog on my 2005 Hari Kecemerlangan and 2005 QKA972 bus snapshots.
I know...first question...HUH? Well, it involves Esther and her Hokkien. Last time, I taught her to say "wa eh hiaw" (translation: I know how), it came out from her mouth as "wa eh hiao" (translation: I can be cheeky). Today, Wendy pulled Esther's leg by teaching her how to say 'good morning' in Hokkien. Honestly, I don't think we say 'good morning' in Hokkien, do we?? So, direct translation of 'good morning' into Hokkien would be "hoh chah kie". Well...out of Esther's mouth, it sounded like "hochaki" . Sounded rather like a Hokkien foul word. Esther owes me butternuts...
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