The debate is finally over! I feel as if someone just lifted this heavy load off me. Relief. We won the debate! It was kind of a waste of my time preparing all those rebuttals and sittingin front of the computer and trying to think what would my opponents say and ending up, not using the cards much, just glancing at some of the cards then blabbing. At first I saw the setup, my heart fell from my chest to my stomach. I saw tables being dragged onto the stage and a
microphone! I was thinking, what's the need to be so formal! It's just a simple debate in our school! But ended up, it was pretty okay with the microphone, wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been (trembling with stage fright)...bad...but lucily, stage fright did not occur or any trembling. At first I saw Melissa (from the opposition), so I asked her is she ready for the debate and since it was a first debate, I asked her if she was using palm cards or scraps of paper. And she looked at me as if I was being riddiculous and replied, "
I'm going spontaneous." I stared at her, dumbstrucked. SPONTANEOUS! Even I wouldn't take the risk going up there without any cards just in case I forget my lines or get mixed up. At least I would hold the cards and decide when I start speaking whether I need them or not. But luckily, after several POIs from us government, she started getting mixed up, most of the opposition got mixed up and confused. The third speaker for the opposition spoke for less than 2 minutes and took her seat. Best speaker was Kristen. The second debate was between Rhema, Amy, Christine (government) and Amirah, Zahira and Azureen (opposition). The opposition won that round about the freedom of the media should be controlled. Oh, and prefects' installation was on Wednesday too, before the debate. I can't believe that the students would actually boo some of the prefects. Some were just for-fun boos, like one or two but there were two prefects which, I don't think I ought to speak of their names. They got booed really loudly. I think the students' were being very rational. They booed until Abigail (the Head of Assembly Unit) had to tell them to lower down their voices and keep quiet. See that picture above, it's tiramisu. I ordered that for Mother's Day and I got it today, earlier than Mother's day which, is this Sunday, I know but nevermind. A cake is not something you can hide in a fridge and not let anyone see it. I was supposed to get the RC flag donation box but end up, Natasha forgot to give it to me. Guess I wouldn't need to walk around town or school to get donations.
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