Wednesday, May 31, 2006
A bite at the Apple iPod

I got tagged by Wen Qi ! So here it goes, the tag rules...
* The tagged victim have to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect
* Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
* Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
* If you are tagged the second time.There is NO need to do this again.
* Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
1. Good sense of humour. I'm the sort who likes to talk and crap alot so he has to understand and be able to 'crap along naturally'. I mean, if he doesn't have a good sense of humour, he would be complaining that I am talking rubbish most of the time and that wouldn't be very amusing in a relationship. It would be nice if he could make people and most importantly me, laugh.
2. Understanding and flexible. He has to understand what I like and what I don't like and learn how to adjust to it. If I'm busy with something and do not have time for him, he should understand and not get all sulky. That way we wouldn't fight so much and it would be a healthy and stress-free relationship.
3. Intelligent and a displayable looks. He has to be around my level of intelligene so that we can strike up good conversations. But he shouldn't be too cocky and keep showing off that he is better than me or feels low-down that he isn't good enough. Looks are equally as important, he ought to look good, neat and not all sloppy and messy.
4. Has manners and carries himself well. I don't want to date somebody who is rude when he speaks to me or to anyone else. He has to be able to carry himself well whether in public or not and not be a social disgrace to me. Plus, a guy with manners is just sweet.
5. Knows when to have fun and when to be serious. It would be nice to have someone who can share the fun moments with you and not get upset over jokes and things like that. It would also be nice if he knows how to be serious in certain situations.
6. Knows the value of money. I don't see the need of having someone who showers you will lots and lots of expensive gifts to keep the relationship going. I think that love is all that is needed to keep a relationship going. But on special occasions, something reasonably priced would be rather nice. Afterall, it's the thought that matters more.
7. Respects me and my decisions. He should show some respect to me and not treat me like dirt or like I am his maid or something. He should respect what I decide to do as well.
8. Doesn't brag about our relationship. I just don't find it very charming when somebody brags about his girlfriend and what they do and what she says. I especially dislike it when somebody goes, "my boyfriend will beat you up" when somebody crosses the line with them.
Okay, so this is just a list of the qualities my perfect lover would have. However, I understand that nobody is perfect and as long as he is a decent, good-natured and intelligent guy and loves me for who I am, he would be just fine. (I finally edit this thing! No longer a copied version of Wen Qi's!)
:: I'm going to tag :: (In alphabetical order)
Tat Yang
* The tagged victim have to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect
* Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
* Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
* If you are tagged the second time.There is NO need to do this again.
* Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
1. Good sense of humour. I'm the sort who likes to talk and crap alot so he has to understand and be able to 'crap along naturally'. I mean, if he doesn't have a good sense of humour, he would be complaining that I am talking rubbish most of the time and that wouldn't be very amusing in a relationship. It would be nice if he could make people and most importantly me, laugh.
2. Understanding and flexible. He has to understand what I like and what I don't like and learn how to adjust to it. If I'm busy with something and do not have time for him, he should understand and not get all sulky. That way we wouldn't fight so much and it would be a healthy and stress-free relationship.
3. Intelligent and a displayable looks. He has to be around my level of intelligene so that we can strike up good conversations. But he shouldn't be too cocky and keep showing off that he is better than me or feels low-down that he isn't good enough. Looks are equally as important, he ought to look good, neat and not all sloppy and messy.
4. Has manners and carries himself well. I don't want to date somebody who is rude when he speaks to me or to anyone else. He has to be able to carry himself well whether in public or not and not be a social disgrace to me. Plus, a guy with manners is just sweet.
5. Knows when to have fun and when to be serious. It would be nice to have someone who can share the fun moments with you and not get upset over jokes and things like that. It would also be nice if he knows how to be serious in certain situations.
6. Knows the value of money. I don't see the need of having someone who showers you will lots and lots of expensive gifts to keep the relationship going. I think that love is all that is needed to keep a relationship going. But on special occasions, something reasonably priced would be rather nice. Afterall, it's the thought that matters more.
7. Respects me and my decisions. He should show some respect to me and not treat me like dirt or like I am his maid or something. He should respect what I decide to do as well.
8. Doesn't brag about our relationship. I just don't find it very charming when somebody brags about his girlfriend and what they do and what she says. I especially dislike it when somebody goes, "my boyfriend will beat you up" when somebody crosses the line with them.
Okay, so this is just a list of the qualities my perfect lover would have. However, I understand that nobody is perfect and as long as he is a decent, good-natured and intelligent guy and loves me for who I am, he would be just fine. (I finally edit this thing! No longer a copied version of Wen Qi's!)
:: I'm going to tag :: (In alphabetical order)
Lorong Lapangan Terbang
My cousin, Stella finally moved into their new house, somewhere near Lorong Lapangan Terbang. It's about a 5 minute walk from my house to her house. Finally, a cousin lives near my house (walking distance). It's either they live further or they live in Sibu, Kuala Lumpur or overseas. So just now, both of us including her sister, Edrea went over to my grandparents' house to take a look at the dogs. Apparently, the Basset Hound puppy is now named Grumpy. One of the rabbits died. My cousin and I planned to go swimming at first but then we changed our minds and decide to play badminton later in the evening. Apparently, Chun Ming would be there too. My cousin once caught Chun Ming smoking in school. Chun Ming lives two houses behind my cousin. Anyway, my old Form2 Maths teacher, Cikgu Rita lives directly behind my cousin. Now my cousin's parents can enjoy chitchatting with Cikgu Rita and Cikgu Rita's mother.
Ten of Ten Things in Life
1. Ten aims in life...
~Score 7A's for PMR
~Score straight A1's for SPM
~Get into a university.
~Get a promising career.
~Finish grade 8 for both violin and piano.
~Take a diploma in music. (?)
~Learn archery or perhaps shooting.
~Travel around the globe.
~Live happily ever after.
2. Ten most loved ones (or things)...
~My family.
~My friends.
~Family pets.
~My violin.
~My piano.
~School (?)
3. Ten most hated ones (or things)...
~People who think they are so great.
~People who smoke.
~People who drink way too much.
~People who only play with people's feelings in a relationship.
~People who sell themselves off cheaply.
~Copycats. (in homework/projects..etc)
~People who keep insisting they are right although they are wrong.
~Thick-headed people. (you say one word, they say ten words)
~Being forced to wake up from bed.
4. Ten things you can't live without (excludes primary needs)...
~My family.
~My friends.
~My violin.
~My piano.
~Education. (no education means too much excess time.)
~Red Crescent (?)
5. Ten things only a few people know about you...
~My wardrobe consists of mainly of pink. (unintentionally)
~I do not own any yellow coloured clothes.
~Everything I own seems to range from warm colour tones. (red, pink..etc)
~I study while watching TV/ going online.
~My ideal snack is Jacob Cream Crackers or any crackers.
~I dislike junk food.
~My life revolves around watching television and going online.
~I used to read alot. (that hobby died off when my selection of books thinned.)
~I'm a picky eater. (I don't quite like pork and a few other stuff.)
~I'm a neat-freak and an organized-freak.
6. Ten things most memorable things...
~Family moments.
~All the mischief Rhema and I did.
~Moments with friends. (all the noise...it's pollution)
~Musical performances I'd done.
~The time when Amelia grabbed William's hand.
~Argueing with my old Form1 moral teacher. (4 times in that year)
~The look on my Form1 moral teacher's face when I brought to issue to the principal. (glory...)
~Getting Best Student in Form2.
~Bus moments.
~Life as a prefect. (was a prefect in Pri5, Pri6, Form1, Form2 and now, Form3)
7. Ten things you would love to own...
~A really, really, really, really good violin.
~A grand piano.
~A Ferrari! (*stares dreamily*)
~A driver's license. (if I own a Ferrari, I got to know how to drive right?)
~A seriously smooth-flowing notebook.
~Flat-screened desktop.
~Plasma TV.
~A lifetime supply of clothes, shoes, jewelry. (356 different outfits a year)
~IQ that beats Albert Einstein.
~A German Shepard or maybe a Golden Retriever.
8. Ten things you wouldn't never want...
~A cigarette pack.
~A canister of beer.
~A Kancil.
~Drum set.
~Failing a paper.
~Getting a B in any paper.
~Loosing anything I love.
9. Ten people who influenced you the most...
~Aunties and uncles.
~Rhema. (guess where my crappiness came from.)
~Jason. (another crappy fellow friend.)
~Christine. (where I got my eavesdropping skills from.)
~Audrey. (then I started to speak in Mandarin.)
~*blank* (there are many people who influenced me the most)
10. Ten things you often say...
~oh, okay.
~Not my problem.
~It's like this you see.
1. Ten aims in life...
~Score 7A's for PMR
~Score straight A1's for SPM
~Get into a university.
~Get a promising career.
~Finish grade 8 for both violin and piano.
~Take a diploma in music. (?)
~Learn archery or perhaps shooting.
~Travel around the globe.
~Live happily ever after.
2. Ten most loved ones (or things)...
~My family.
~My friends.
~Family pets.
~My violin.
~My piano.
~School (?)
3. Ten most hated ones (or things)...
~People who think they are so great.
~People who smoke.
~People who drink way too much.
~People who only play with people's feelings in a relationship.
~People who sell themselves off cheaply.
~Copycats. (in homework/projects..etc)
~People who keep insisting they are right although they are wrong.
~Thick-headed people. (you say one word, they say ten words)
~Being forced to wake up from bed.
4. Ten things you can't live without (excludes primary needs)...
~My family.
~My friends.
~My violin.
~My piano.
~Education. (no education means too much excess time.)
~Red Crescent (?)
5. Ten things only a few people know about you...
~My wardrobe consists of mainly of pink. (unintentionally)
~I do not own any yellow coloured clothes.
~Everything I own seems to range from warm colour tones. (red, pink..etc)
~I study while watching TV/ going online.
~My ideal snack is Jacob Cream Crackers or any crackers.
~I dislike junk food.
~My life revolves around watching television and going online.
~I used to read alot. (that hobby died off when my selection of books thinned.)
~I'm a picky eater. (I don't quite like pork and a few other stuff.)
~I'm a neat-freak and an organized-freak.
6. Ten things most memorable things...
~Family moments.
~All the mischief Rhema and I did.
~Moments with friends. (all the noise...it's pollution)
~Musical performances I'd done.
~The time when Amelia grabbed William's hand.
~Argueing with my old Form1 moral teacher. (4 times in that year)
~The look on my Form1 moral teacher's face when I brought to issue to the principal. (glory...)
~Getting Best Student in Form2.
~Bus moments.
~Life as a prefect. (was a prefect in Pri5, Pri6, Form1, Form2 and now, Form3)
7. Ten things you would love to own...
~A really, really, really, really good violin.
~A grand piano.
~A Ferrari! (*stares dreamily*)
~A driver's license. (if I own a Ferrari, I got to know how to drive right?)
~A seriously smooth-flowing notebook.
~Flat-screened desktop.
~Plasma TV.
~A lifetime supply of clothes, shoes, jewelry. (356 different outfits a year)
~IQ that beats Albert Einstein.
~A German Shepard or maybe a Golden Retriever.
8. Ten things you wouldn't never want...
~A cigarette pack.
~A canister of beer.
~A Kancil.
~Drum set.
~Failing a paper.
~Getting a B in any paper.
~Loosing anything I love.
9. Ten people who influenced you the most...
~Aunties and uncles.
~Rhema. (guess where my crappiness came from.)
~Jason. (another crappy fellow friend.)
~Christine. (where I got my eavesdropping skills from.)
~Audrey. (then I started to speak in Mandarin.)
~*blank* (there are many people who influenced me the most)
10. Ten things you often say...
~oh, okay.
~Not my problem.
~It's like this you see.
Chocolate unwrapped!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Happy Birthday!!!
My mom's car got scratched by some hooligan and now the lid of the boot reads "Happy Birthday!". My dad noticed it this morning when he went to hang some of his precious potted plants up. He found it amusing and so this my mom. They had a good laugh over it. Well, I on the other hand, found it everything but amusing. I was standing on neutral rocks. So, off I went back into the house to practice my piano. Trial's tomorrow! Going off to Lundu this friday (if I feel like) with my dad and his friends and their daughters and sons. My mom, on the other hand, was hardly even keen about going to Lundu. She was saying who needs Lundu when home is many times better and about her piles and piles of paperwork to be done with. Pirates of the Carribean 2 is coming out on the 13th of July. I'm going to drag my sis with me to watch that when she comes back on the 7th of July from Russia. My parents planed to go to Damai Lagoon since my dad has some yearly free ticket thing in July. My mom would probably look forward to three days of no-household-business and full-concentration on preparing for lecturing in IBMS, while my dad and sis would probably look forward to three days of full access to the gym and other sports facillities. Whereas I, on the other hand, would rather calculate how much would I spend to access the Internet at Damai Lagoon and perhaps make use of the squash courts and the pool. But basically, it will be boring so end of story about that.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Piano exams...oh dear
Oh dear...piano exams are coming. My trial is on the 31st of May 2006. And that is like *sigh* two days away? And then my actual exam is on the 19th of June 2006 at 8.30 at Merdeka Palace. Frightful! What if I slip and make a mistake? What if I couldn't remember my scales? What if I play harmonic scales instead of melodic? Hundreds of questions swarm into my head like bees. What if I play off tempo? *gasp*. Ugh, I should really cut it. If it happens, it happens but hopefully it doesn't. Then there's theory exam in August 2006! This comes in one heavy package..sigh. What more to say there are pra-PMR papers and zon papers and the actual PMR papers. PMR is only 5 "long" months away, peeking around the corner. Skip that. I'm playing Allegro for my first piece for my piano exam, Vals Poetico for the second and Eight Maids A-Milking for my third piece. Allegro is 4 pages long! And fast! The left hand is like a motor running. Vals Poetico leaps from one end to the other and the Eight Maids one, all staccato and real fast! Finishes in less than a minute! Geezz...
Saturday, May 27, 2006

This morning I was off to buy some clothes after the Red Crescent briefing. So I was with my parents and we were crossing the streets from Tun Jugah to Parkson. Then, there was these group of deranged Malay 'thugs' who were shoving each other practically in the middle of the streets. Certainly way off the sidewalks. Then, there was a shopping cart left in the Riverside Carpark. So one of those guys went to shove the shopping cart into the road! And then, their tiny, below mediocre brains apparently, found it hilarious, so they started laughing, howling and giving each other slaps on the back in approval. How dumb can anyone get! I mean, if you found that amusing, you got to be some brainless git! They were like strutting and acting like they are all cool and notorious in their thick, bulky, baggy and black clothes (including ski caps and hideous sneakers and coloured boxers). And that hairstyle, where did it come from???!!! Not to mention the style of wearing those horrible coloured boxers really high-waisted over low-waisted, baggy Bermudas! I mean, get a grip. Why not wear the boxers over your pants if you plan on showing your underwear? You might as well go around town with a superman trend, right? I mean, that's just downright disgusting. Cut short of that, I didn't blog to gibber on clothes. The government ought to have a law against these people who waste their time lounging around the streets like total idiots and go jay-walking. I mean seriously, its okay to have a day out with your friends but what's the need of that excessive 'coolness'. It's like you are trying to attract everyone's attention. You might as well walk around with a sign that says, "Hey, everybody! Look at me, me, me!" And nowadays, you walk around town in the morning or around noon to evening, you see all these people (you get what sort I mean), hanging out without any sense of direction about what they are doing. They just planned to walk, walk, walk, stop and act cool. How incredulous can that get. They obviously waste their lives doing that, throwing it away and that's because they do not know whta live is about They think it is all about being cool and noticed. Wonder if they everlooked in the mirror to see how stupid they looked. Have you looked at Star Cineplex lately, those peple just hang around like complete fools. And they start polluting the area, more and more. It's like a colony of 'thugs'. And these people, the guys appear to like to wear their underwear above their pants and the girls, it appears that they like to wear their pants below their arse. Guess that's a trend that goes on among them. Well, it's certainly one horrible one.
Went for Red Crescent camp briefing today. They brief on what to bring and what not to bring..etc..etc.The seniors taught us leaders and assistant leaders some marching commands and etc, etc. Marching is actually kind of addictive just like Corde said. I got to practice my marching, hadn't actually mastered it yet. On the 6th of June, I got to go to school to clean up the ground floor classroom for the camp and some SAR (Search and Rescue) briefing. Corde, Lilian and I planned on practising bandaging on each other. I can't even remember a single method. Puan Tan is supervising us at the camp, she's sleeping over with us. She gets to sleep in the Sick Room, and there is a bed in there. The 3 of us went to look for Miss Tan to find out about our Geografi marks. I found out mine as well. I made 3 stupid mistakes in the Kemahiran Geografi section. So far, I already know my Maths, Science and Geografi marks. So far, those 3 are pretty okay. (5 for maths, 90 for Science and Geografi but I heard that KH according to our KH teacher, Puan Wong, only 12 peple got A and the highest is 90 which, is Chai Yi Ying. Wonder how would KH turn out to be....I just got some stuff I needed for camp. No electronics allowed in camp...wonder how some people would survive. Ugh, the chess members going to Terengganu for some chess competition get to stay in a resort! Going to watch Posoidon (is that the spelling?) tomorrow and Da Vinci soon. Speaking of movies, I finally watched I Not Stupid Too 2. Got a new DVD player. I tell you, if you didn't cry at it, you are probably heartless. Everyone agrees that those who didnt cry are probably heartless. The taekwondo club had a combined telematch today. They were like monkeys I tell you. Running up and down and banging things and jumping on the ledge of the canteen, rattling shutters and gutters while we were practicing marching. They kept running and weaving in and out between us. Now I get why some people say martial arts trains monkeys and produce monsters....Personally, I don't favor martial arts so much. Bores me out easily, I think that Red Crescent is my favourite so far.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Exams are over!
Exams are finally over! Relief! You should have seen exam week, people crying, people screaming, peopling whining...etc..etc. My uncle bought a new dog, a Basset Hound named Floppy. Really adorable.I saw it last Sunday and it's five weeks old. He got two rabbits as well, Bubbles and Bunny. I don't know which is which, didn't bother. You know, the strangest thing happened. Last week Friday, I practice my piano and I got scolded cos I played horribly and this week, I didn't practice at all and....the teacher was lke, "you improved lots this week." I was like...""*jaw-dropping*. I'm giong to be showering, sleeping, bryushing my teeth in school on the 7,8,9 June...why? Red Crescent Leadership Camp. I'm one of the assistant leaders and doing some Search and Rescue thing.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Before and After Marriage

Before marriage,
Darling here...darling there...
After marriage,
Baling here...baling there...
Before mariage,
I die for u...
After marriage,
"U die, up to u."
Lagi lama married...
U die I help u!
Before marriage,
U go anywhere...I follow u.
After marriage,
U go anywhere...up to u.
Lagi lama married...
U go anywhere better get lost!!
Before wedding,
"U are my heart, u are my love"
After wedding,
"U get on my nerves."
Before wedding,
"U are sweet and kind just like
After wedding
"U are worst than godzilla."
Before wedding,
Roses are red, violets are blue. Like it or
not, I'm
stuck with u.
After wedding,
Roses are dead. I am blue. U get on
my head, I
will sue u.
Before wedding,
Every makan he brings u to Shangri-La,
After wedding,
U want to go, he says u wait-la.
Before wedding
She looks like Anita Sarawak
After wedding,
Don't know whether katak or biawak....
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Tiramisu & Debates

Sunday, May 7, 2006
Lovely year
Last week was just terrific. Somehow, I got myself sick on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and I missed 3 days of school. Another terrific occurance, the debate supposed to be held on last Wednesday got prosponed to this Wednesday! Heck, it had been prosponed three times already! It's like, okay, I'm ready then, they drop a bombshell out of the blues, telling you it's prosponed because the school hall is being used. Wonderful. On Tuesday, I had a dental appointment. There was this boy in the dental room with me and sheesh, some people just don't know the meaning of personal hygiene. Apparently, he had not brushed his teeth since he woke up this morning and it was already 4pm. That's just plain gross. The dentist and nurses seem to think it's amusing that they have two paitients at the same time with similar names. A Gabrielle Jee and a Gabriel Jong. Before we went in, the nurse was like asking my mother, "twins ka?". Sheesh. Exams are coming up, May 22nd...piles and piles of work to be done. Can't believe I'm still blogging when exam is just around the corner. Not to mention that piano trial exam is lurking around some corner and theory exam in August. Bothersome. Oh, not to forget the main 'attraction' of the year, PMR. Lovely, don't you agree?
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