Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Met A “Nice” Guy


That is the day before Chap Goh Meh at a vegetarian restaurant. I had vegetable tom yam bee hoon and green tea. Stuffed myself even more later with two types of dumplings, cold mango dessert, a glass of longan drink and half a glass of Chinese tea. Not to forget samples from some fruit ice cream shop. I had another big tumbler of ginger green tea that night. Thank you God not-so-fast-but-not-too-slow metabolism.


My Microsoft Office had several corrupted files, so I sent my Vaio to the Sony Centre for reformatting. There were two technicians there and both were in their twenties, one was younger and one was older. The younger one was much nicer and the older one simply needed PR lessons. He had his eyes glued to the TV screen with a PS3 console in his hands while asking me, “what?” and throughout the entire conversation. The only thing he said loud and clear was, “you have to pay RM80.00 for reformatting.”

So the younger one reformatted my computer for me, told me I could pick my Vaio up at 7.00PM. So I went for dinner with Amy and Peter. Then… I came back…

The older one said nothing and just waved vaguely at the my Vaio which, was sitting on the counter next to the power plug. Obviously telling me to go check my computer.

Okay… I switch it on and then I saw the log in screen, I realized… SHIT, WHY IS MY OPERATING SYSTEM RUNNING VISTA?! WHERE’S MY WINDOWS 7?!

Bloody… I turned to the older one who was standing nearest to me and said, “I’m using Windows 7, why is my operating system now Vista??”

He replied snappily, “how am I supposed to know?”

A nerve twitched, “you reformatted my computer. I told you I was using Windows 7. You’re the technician, you should know.”

Again, a snappy tone as if I committed piracy… “where did you get Windows 7 from ha?”

Another nerve twitched, “I paid TWO HUNDRED for the update from Sony! Now I am going to have to update again! Do you know how much time that is going to take me?? And I don’t have the CD now, it is back in my HOMETOWN.”

He glared at me, “you didn’t tell that you are using Windows 7!”

Oh what an ass…

The younger one interrupted, “actually she did tell that she’s running Windows 7…”

I stuffed my Vaio back into my bag grouchily, “NEVERMIND, I will wait until APRIL when I get back HOME to REUPGRADE on MY OWN.”

I was about the walk away then I realized, crap I have not paid them. Turned around… “whoops I forgot to pay. How much?”

The older one looked at me with a =.= expression and said, “nevermind la nevermind la, no need to pay la.”

Anyway… I bought an original Microsoft Office suite to save myself from all the hassle of hacking.

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