Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sun-U Registration

IMG_1519 Yesterday was time to register in Sunway University College. IMG_1518There were plenty of JPA, Petronas and MARA sponsored students.IMG_1533 Then we were brought over to Casa Subang around 1.00PM to check-in to our rooms. It was a super long queue that ended around 5.00PM. Not to forget that it was freaking humid to queue up in the condominium parking lot.IMG_1539 And so this is where I am currently staying at, Casa Subang. Sixteenth floor.UP215394I share one house with five other girls. My room is air conditioned (thankfully) and I share it with some girl whom I have not met her yet. The living room is air conditioned and the bathroom has a water heater. Not bad I’ll say. IMG_1536Then, I went over to Mydin with my dad and sister to buy some necessities…IMG_1554After that, I went to have dinner at Gasoline. It is located at Ampang Lookout and overlooks the whole of Kuala Lumpur city. IMG_5432The view from the restaurant. IMG_5506A random picture while shopping in Pavilion today.

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