Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers' Day

A trinket box from RCR Crystalleria Italiana that I gave my mum

Today is Mothers' Day. So, Happy Mothers' Day and how did my family and I celebrate it? By waking up at 10.00AM for kolo mee with soup at this coffee shop located opposite Eu Yan Sang. Thumbs up for their kolo mee but as usual, I couldn't finish one whole bowl of it.
That was what Big Sis gave to mum.

However, Big Donkey/Big Sis (she started it first with calling me Little Donkey, approximately 10 years ago) was working in Sibu General Hospital. So, she ordered online a bouquet of roses from Pods & Petals and they delivered it to our house this morning. Wonder why is everything so orange by coincidence.

I went to a computer hardware commercial centre and instead of coming out with computers and related items, I left the centre with a hairclip and a bangle. Dot dot dot about that...
The bangle was way too big, so I ended up having to remove several beads and restringing it.

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