Friday, April 17, 2009

Kuala Lumpur: Leaving

Woke up at 9.00AM frozen from the air conditioning in the hotel room. I had toast with poached eggs for breakfast at Heritage Cafe. But I de-yolked the eggs before eating them.
Hairclips of average size

Dropped by BB Plaza to look for weird hairclips at the little stalls and I got three hairclips for the price of just RM10.00 and so, I guess it was quite a bargain. I squeezed in some opportunity to buy some white chocolates with sesame seeds, almonds and macadamias from the Chocolate Boutique.
A random photo outside the hotel area at Mid Valley

About 12.00PM, we checked out of the hotel and headed down to KLIA LCCT. I slept in the taxi. Today's taxi driver is a Foochow man who spent the whole journey yelling at somebody over the phone. My parents and I had our lunch at the airport.

Our flight arrived at Kuching around 6.00PM. The plane we took had to make two attempts to land due to bad weather, spent extra five to ten minutes circling in the sky. Before the landing attempts, the Thailand tour group was extremely noisy but during the five to ten miutes, they were dead silent. After the plane successfully landed, boom, they errupted noisily...again.

Happened to meet Jonas at the arrival hall. Ah...back in Kuching, where shopping choices are limited and night life is scarce. Back to square one.
Random Asian lady on the streets in Kuala Lumpur

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