Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lunchless Human

Picture of the day

Kapeesh. Was supposed to go out for lunch today with a buddy. Unfortunately, lunch plans got canceled. Nevermind, I still have a big cold pastry puff in the fridge. But then I looked into the fridge. My mum stole my pastry puff!!! But it was her money anyway so I guess I have no legal rights over that chicken pastry puff. So, I went to cook myself a meal. Chop, chop the ham and everything. Then I went to light the stove. Kapeesh! No gas! Nevermind, the microwave saved the day. I had a herb-ish, curry and cream dish made using the microwave. Sometimes, you just got to love the microwave when the oven "backstabs" you.

Still have not gone out with my classmates yet. Couldn't make it for the last two outtings. One day. I will make it. Huh.
I miss school and my good buddies there!
And I miss all those Red Crescent stuff and the people too.

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