Thursday, November 27, 2008

Post SPM Plans

SPM ended roughly fifty minutes ago. The moment it ended, we could hear loud and shrill shrieks coming from SMK. St. Joseph. The boys can really scream like girls. Even better than some girls. I am impressed NOT. They set off firecrackers as usual. Not much screaming from our side. No firecrackers either, Madam Mary forbid us from doing so. I feel neutral about SPM being over. I don't feel like crying nor do I feel like screaming for joy. Neutrality.
Halfway during EST paper, some idiot started playing music really, really loudly from his car. I could hear all the bass and rather loudly, Rihanna singing "please don't stop the music". During SPM, Amy said that one of the examiners smelled like Cikgu Yasmin. I couldn't smell a thing. Linda also agreed that he smelled like Cikgu Yasmin. Did he really smell like Cikgu Yasmin? I don't know, I never smell teachers but I'll take their word for it. Amy, Esther and Irene were singing Bee Gees songs before EST paper started. Halfway, they decided to go look for a guitar to play. Why? I don't know. I'm sure going to miss school and these people!
My father is back from travelling tomorrow and my sister will be back this Saturday. I have some Christmas shopping to do. It feels really weird that SPM is over. It feels like... I have to study, I must study but what to study???
Here's what I am going to do starting from today,
  1. Send my violin to Arco Strings for servicing.
  2. Practice the piano and violin.
  3. Be an "Ah Long" because Rhema owes me a lot of things.
  4. Go out with whoever there is to go out with.
  5. Watch movies.
  6. Christmas shopping.
  7. Ask Amy when 2009 comes if she managed to do headstands.
  8. Do nothing.

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