Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Retired? Maybe not.

Maybe I have returned or maybe I will disappear soon again. Who is to tell anyway?

It is just three more days to go before trial examination ends. So far... I got no comments about the trial papers. A friend said that Biology 2 was easy. But
I still got no comments about the trial papers. I dare not say much just in case my results turn out to be not quite what I expected then I'll end up having to face the shame of blowing about how easy or hard the trial papers were.
A friend is on a mission to lose weight after SPM and invited me do so too. I am contented being 52 kilograms. No need for me to burden myself with extensive weight loss programs by starving myself. A good friend of mine is starting to think that he is fat too to the extend that he wants a personal treadmill. The fat aura has really caught on.

Last Friday after the Moral trial paper at 9.35AM, I started feeling sick in the stomach. So, I thought maybe I was just too hungry or something. I ate a piece of tapioca in the car. When I got back home, I threw up twice. It was not very fun and I couldn't eat a thing for the whole day without throwing up. Bother.

Malaysia's political situation such a chaotic mess. But I best not say much, three bloggers have been arrested under the Internal Security Act for bringing up sensitive issues in their blogs. Well, I am currently reading Borneo Post everyday after school to keep up with the current issue of the power transition issue. Just curious about the outcome.

But I best get back to refreshing my knowledge on Biology.

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