Monday, September 22, 2008

Trials Are Over

Trial examinations are finally over! Almost three long weeks of answering examinations right after a two week break from another examination. The Malaysian education system is just extremely examination-based. I got my Mathematics trial paper back, 94% and I guess I'm not too thrilled but still glad it's above the 90% mark. I got my Physics I trial paper back today too, 48/50 questions. Somehow, I have this uneasy feeling that I screwed up somewhere, somehow. As usual.

Trials seriously do funny things to my brain. On Sunday night, I had a dream that I just found out that our whole class had to resit our History trial paper. So, I panicked and studied like mad. When I woke up, I felt as if I had just studied for six hours straight. Unfortunately, all the facts were just vague. One of the days during trial, I dreamed that I was scolding Perry and when the person turned around, it was some stranger and the actual fellow was standing a few feet away. W.T.H.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday's Snippet

  • Physics. Great subject but the feeling of "the day before Physics trial" never feels so great. I sure hope that I score at least a 90% for Physics. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • In 1994, elephants in South Africa were shot, butchered and turned into canned dried meat.
  • In one of the poverty-stricken countries, cakes made out of clay were fed to pregnant women as a source of nourishment because the land was too infertile.
  • China's food industry seems to give prior to the peoples' money than health.
  • Sea Good Seafood Center, Kuching has delicious food but quite sometime ago, one of the workers there fell into one of the garbage chutes and died. No one realized that until they decided to check on the chutes one day because of the stench. I dined there two days ago.
  • After Chemistry class on Friday, I saw that G.Wu was driving a grey Perodua Kenari with a bright red P-license sticker. Then came a speed bump and his driving sounded like... "vrooooooom eeeeeeekkkkkk vrooooooooom!"
I made a viciously heartbreaking mistake in one of my Biology trial papers. The time was recorded in minutes but somehow I missed out the word 'minute' printed under the stopwatch and hence, I recorded the time in seconds. Goodness. There I was, thinking that I was being as careful as I possibly could. Guess I should be even more careful. "I Think I Love My Wife" is showing tonight on HBO at 10.00PM, that will be my break from a long and entertaining day of Physics.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Retired? Maybe not.

Maybe I have returned or maybe I will disappear soon again. Who is to tell anyway?

It is just three more days to go before trial examination ends. So far... I got no comments about the trial papers. A friend said that Biology 2 was easy. But
I still got no comments about the trial papers. I dare not say much just in case my results turn out to be not quite what I expected then I'll end up having to face the shame of blowing about how easy or hard the trial papers were.
A friend is on a mission to lose weight after SPM and invited me do so too. I am contented being 52 kilograms. No need for me to burden myself with extensive weight loss programs by starving myself. A good friend of mine is starting to think that he is fat too to the extend that he wants a personal treadmill. The fat aura has really caught on.

Last Friday after the Moral trial paper at 9.35AM, I started feeling sick in the stomach. So, I thought maybe I was just too hungry or something. I ate a piece of tapioca in the car. When I got back home, I threw up twice. It was not very fun and I couldn't eat a thing for the whole day without throwing up. Bother.

Malaysia's political situation such a chaotic mess. But I best not say much, three bloggers have been arrested under the Internal Security Act for bringing up sensitive issues in their blogs. Well, I am currently reading Borneo Post everyday after school to keep up with the current issue of the power transition issue. Just curious about the outcome.

But I best get back to refreshing my knowledge on Biology.