Friday, November 30, 2007


Anyway, I was reading Ashley Lee's blog and apparently, it's rather... heated up in there. Back to the point, so I saw a link that says Eguanna's Blog and so, I clicked it. I mean, come on that's what readers do right? We click links that we see on people's posts and we read on especially if the link is a blog. Am I right or am I not? So, I scrolled and read this Eguanna's blog all the way down. Read, read, read and read and then there was a reaaaally weird picture...

Who the freaking hell finds a collage out of male reproductive organs and post it on his/her blog?? *Glares viciously and curses nonstop*

My ancient clockwork brain took maybe thirty seconds to process the image. I sat there, wondering what the freaking hell was this stupid picture?? After thirty seconds, I let out a yell, cursed and exited the blog. Hey, I am extremely clean minded okay? I don't watch porn or keep dirty magazines under my bed. Hence, it is only natural that I take thirty seconds to realize what the freaking hell where those things.

I prefer not to be living testimony to this pile of shit.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chinese don't know Chinese?

I beat the lifespan of eight Helix snails! I am 16 years 1 month and 20 days old. I am living testimony to everything that had happened for sixteen years.

  • I am living testimony that eleven years ago I was enrolled in St. Teresa's Kindergarten.
  • I am living testimony that ten years ago I was enrolled into St. Teresa's Primary School.
  • I am living testimony that four years ago I was enrolled into St. Teresa's Secondary School.
  • I am living testimony that I will be graduating from St. Teresa's Secondary School next year.
  • I am living testimony that I spent eleven years in St. Teresa.
All those years spent in there has resulted in me being unable to communicate in Chinese. I can't speak Mandarin. I am Hakka but I can't speak the Hakka dialect. The only dialect that I can speak is Cantonese. As the Chinese ancestors would probably say, disgrace!

I was ordering food from a stall at Jalan Song food court...

Lady: *Long string of complicated Mandarin words*
Me: *Stares blankly*
Lady: *Repeats long string of complicated Mandarin words*
Me: Hah? I don't understand Mandarin.
Lady: *Repeats long string of complicated Mandarin words in slow motion*
Me: -_-' *Walks away*

I am living testimony to that. *Chortles* She must think I am a retard.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Cost Part 4

He wears the pants in the house,
under his apron.
He has two chances of winning an argument with her,
slim and none.
She leads a double life - hers and his.
He comes right out and says what she tells him to think.
She does not have to raise the roof'
all she has to do is raise an eyebrow.
He always has the last word - he says,
"I apologize".
He was a man about town,
she has turned him into a mouse around the house.
The last big decision she let him make,
was whether to wash or to dry.
He put a ring on her finger and she put one through his nose.
He was a dude before marriage,
now he is subdued.
He married her for her looks,
but not the kind he's getting now.
She even complains about the noise he makes,
when he is fixing his own breakfast.
He goes to a woman dentist,
it's a relief to be told to open his mouth instead of to shut it.
Every once in awhile she comes to him on her bended knees.
She dares him to come out from under the bed.

Tying the knot is just an institution where man loses his Bachelor's Degree and woman gains her Masters.

She muttered very sourly, "MEN"

Yes, that's right I took a break from blogging about the cost of tying the knot and proceeded to a new topic.


She was online, he was online.
He blabs on about some story he wrote, about a character in it who laid on a bed in the Intensive Care Unit with a skull that had bullet fragments and was sawed open by his lover.
She listened patiently and kindly, thinking he is delirious, delusional and deranged.
He blabs on, completely oblivious. MEN.
She listens dutifully, humming a random tune.

Few moments later...

Her mobile phone message alert rings. Surprised, she gets up from her chair and checks her phone. There was a picture message from him. It was a picture of a half eaten peach. She reads the text below the picture, casts a disgruntled look at her phone and decides he was even more delirious, delusional and deranged than she thought. She shakes her head and glanced up at the heavens darkly and muttered very sourly,


I am living testimony.

PS: I just heard "So Sick of Love Songs-Female Version" by Neyo's ex-girlfriend. Her comeback against his "So Sick of Love Songs" song. He sings that he is sick of love songs and she sings that she is sick of his love songs. *Chortles in own self-amusement*

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Cost Part 3

Before man and woman got married, they had a 'discussion'...

Man: Will you marry me?
Woman: Only if you convert to Roman Catholic. (Man was Buddhist)
Man: ... *sighs*
Woman: I want to get married in a church.
Man: Okay, okay, I'll convert. *Sighs*

After marriage, man and woman decides to buy a house...

Man: How about this house?
Woman: Very nice house.
Man: Let's buy this house then.
Woman: On one condition, the house will be bought under my name.
Man: ...*sighs*
Woman: So if you commit adultery, I can kick you out of the house anytime I want.
Man: *Stares in disbelief*

Few years later, man and woman have kids, two daughters. One day, younger daughter tests her father on his knowledge on Christian prayers...

Daughter: Can you say the Glory Be?
Man: (reading newspapers) Of course I can. Now stop disturbing me.
Daughter: I bet you can't say it.
Man: Of course I can!
Daughter: Right...
Man: Our Father---
Daughter: *howls with laughter*

I am living testimony to this.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Cost Part 2

Here's a continuation to my previous post about the cost of tying the knot.

Few days ago at a coffee shop...

Man X: Eh, tapao (takeaway) food today, not cooking today har?
Man Y: My wife doesn't have the time to cook. Nurse at hospital what. Her cooking also terrible. Watery. Just like hospital food. How to eat??*grimaces*
Man X: I advise you to not learn how to cook. Once your wife finds out that you can cook. You are a dead man. Like me, my wife forces me to cook just because I told her I can cook.

Man X and Man Y sigh and share a quiet moment of silence over their 'good' luck of being stuck permanently to their wives.

I am living testimony to that.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Cost

Tying the knot, bliss or doom?

Tying the knot means a 99% chance of suffering a lifetime of torturous, eardrum-bursting nagging unless you tied the knot to a living vegetable. It also means splitting half of your fortunes. Now, it appears that wives seem to treat their husbands as ATM machines. This is no joke, I am living testimony to such cases.


Woman: Look at this diamond ring. Nice?
Man: Not interested.
Woman: I said look!
Man: What? *groans* Nice la, nice la.
Woman: RM6000 only.
Man: *Sighs*
Woman: Very nice right?
Man: Buy la, buy la.

So, woman claims she will buy the diamond ring with her own money. But asked man to pay first and then, she will pay him back.


Woman: No need to pay you back la ho?
Man: *Sighs*
Woman: Next thing I am going to get is a diamond necklace! *blabs on happily*
Man: *Sighs*

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Trivia : The Law Says...

"Coffee is introduced to Constantinople by Ottoman Turks in 1453. The world's first coffee shop, Kiva Han, open there in 1475. Turkish law makes it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he fails to provide her with daily quota of coffee"

" In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal for a moose to walk on the side walk. This dates back to the early days if the town when the owner of the bar had a pet moose that he used to get drunk. The moose would then stumble around the town drunk. The only way the law makers could prevent this from happening was to create the law so the moose could not cross the sidewalk and get into the bar.
In Fairbanks, Alaska, it is illegal to feed a moose any alcohol beverage."

"In the Island of Jersey, it is illegal for a man to knit during fishing season."

"In Michigan, it is illegal to chain an alligator to a fire hydrant."

"According to a British law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying."

"In Thailand, it is illegal to leave your house without wearing any underwear."

"Kansas prohibits shooting rabbits from a motorboat."

I am outdated

I finally got my hands on a copy of "A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks. A late birthday present. Euphoric. I had been searching high and low for that book in Kuching for months and failed repeatedly. The exact words of three of my classmates when they heard that I was recently searching for that book, was:

"You are so ketingalan zaman (outdated)!"

I prefer the word 'oblivious' to the existance of "A Walk to Remember" until recently. Makes me sound more 'in time' but just ignorant. When I told the three stooges in my class that "Five People You Meet In Heaven" is a nice book. Once again, the three chorused in unison the exact words that I was outdated. Let's just say that every single book I recently read, they had read it years ago.

Even my posts are outdated. I am blogging about what that happened yesterday, today.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The infamous donkey taunted me with, "You do laundry?!" . Well, here's evidence/proof that I DO do laundry. Well, just that my style of doing laundry is messy.

I hereby propose that men should be the more domesticated one between the two genders. Since majority of men are well-known hairstylists, chefs, fashion designers, makeup artists and so forth, why not just domesticate them and turn them into househusbands?

It has always been 'tradition' that women should know how to cook and it's fine for men to not know how to cook. I presume that's why the Malaysian education system insists that in Kemahiran Hidup (direct translation to English simply screams "Basic Living Skills") subject, there quite a number of chapters of Ekonomi Rumah Tangga (direct translation seriously yells "Pre-Housewife Training") that is compulsory for female students to study in Form 1,2 and 3. I was forced to study that for three long and torturous years. Forced to learn how to sew all kinds of weird stitches, memorize the ingredients used in traditional delicacies and the list goes on. Male students get to study the the accounts and trade part of KH instead. Gender discrimination I should say...

Hence, I conclude that it's high time the Malaysian government make male students take up ERT instead. So they will have a line of "cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang" future househusbands in the country.

Gabrielle was here and scowling at her 3 years worth of memories being forced to take up ERT.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chef and Nuts

Just when I got rid of a digital pest, I settled down cross-legged to do some History notes on boring Islam history. Just finished three pages of notes in a really ugly notepad which, was mutated by an even uglier Body Glove sticker back when I was fourteen, I heard a voice coming from the kitchen...

Asking for my assistance to shell some weird Chinese nuts for some Chinese dessert. I think it's called the Five Treasure soup?? Like that matters, after all, what goes into the mouth comes out from the other end.

So, I shelled a gazillion of these nuts. A very boring and almost never-ending cycle of shelling and tossing them into a bowl.

Then, nature's bidding comes...

"I have to go to the toilet," I declared, tossing the nut into the bowl, making a dash to the toilet (PS: I am lactose intolerant) and never returning to the kitchen.

That is one good reason why restaurants should never hire me as a chef...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Resons NOT to give a girl a rose

Giving roses to a girl is a bad move, trust me... Continue reading to get what I am talking about.Because, they will put the rose on the scorching hot gravel ground...Then, they put their smelly feet around the rose in hopes that the scent of the rose can camouflage the stench of their shoes...They get all emo over the rose... So emo that you simply cannot resist taking their photo.Some get so hyper that they run out under the heavy rain thinking they are waterproof...Sadly, they are not.Then...some just have the urge to destroy. So, the destroyer (me) comes and spoils everybody's fun by shredding the rose up in the middle of a briefing.
Final product of the act of my destroyer fingers...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Deborah Samantha Jonas Jee Tze Lun


How could they do such a crime??
Do they know that this is gender discrimination??
That this is severe violation of terms of use??
Do they realize WHO they are calling Jonas Gumis??!
*jumps around indignantly*
I am the REAL Jonas Michael Gumis!

What is MY face, MY FACE, doing there??
Hmmm...fishy fishy...

Gabrielle returns to the computer fifteen minutes later...
Types TAY TZE LUN...
*pulls tuffs of hair out*
My face, MY FACE, AGAIN!!!
My face a-g-a-i-n!
My face once more!
Fishy fishy... now my name is Deborah Jonas Samantha Jee Tze Lun

Type RCYU#8 and my face again,
I have became hmm... the face of RCYU#8 (rolls eyes)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Five attempts

I had four failed attempts and one perhaps-not-fail attempt to come up with a short story for the Commonwealth Essay competition. Three messed up stories that I couldn't find a suitable ending, one ended fantasy story that seemed to have no head and no tail and one finished non-mushy love story (don't ask me how is that possible) that I decided to settle for.

6.34AM: Sent one text message.
6.40AM: Had a glass of water.
6.45AM: Called it a 'night'.
9.01AM: Phone yelled "YOU HAVE ONE NEW MESSAGE!"
11.01AM: Rise and shine.
11.15AM: Saw laksa on the breakfast table.
11.16AM: Remembered dad left to Cambodia.
11.17AM: Remembered mum will be at the firm until evening, no dinner.
11.18AM: Remembered mum won't be back until 9.30PM (agreed to SEGI asking her to help out for Thursday and Friday lectures because their current lecturer got into some accident.)
14:21PM: Discovered food allergy traces. (I ONLY HAD LAKSA!!!)

Groans. What a day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Why does it seem like the people I know are fond of writing maniacal love stories? Maybe it is some sort of contagious ill-fated disease, like malaria? Nah, so I decide to dedicate this story to Polar and Donkey... (Anagrams have been used in this story for the keepsake of privacy.)

Once upon a million years of time, way before the Stone Age, there lived two adolescent boys named Bunco Grew and Yarn Pert. They were good buddies, according to the Encyclopedia. And also at that time, it was so waaay back in time that the female species haven existed yet. That's right, they did everything together from going to the same school (God knows got what schools existed before the Stone Age so let's just call it School X) to watching television together.

They were both brainy students in school. Bunco Grew was hardworking while on the other hand, Yarn Pert was a lazy scum, a procrastinator. They were also good friends with Sewage Loud and Sawn Jog On. Bunco Grew and Yarn Pert both joined the Historical Scouts Troop along with the other two of their good friends too. After four years in the troop, Bunco Grew was made a Troop Leader aka the biggest head, he was in charge of leading the rest of the troop to hunt for saber tooths and mammoths. Yarn Pert's face became well-known in School X because the school decided to promote his face (male model) on their big, big banner.

One day, Bunco Grew realized that he had feelings for Yarn Pert. Everyday, Bunco Grew would sit in front of the banner and stare dreamily at Yarn Pert's face. That was the act of a man in love. However, Bunco Grew's heart was shattered into trillion pieces when he heard rumors that Yarn Pert had a crush on Sewage Loud, a boy in their class (PS: I know this is very disturbing but bear with the gayness of the story, ain't my fault the real life characters are all guys). Bunco Grew vented his feelings by blogging (they used iron wires back in those days for Internet). He wrote fictional love stories inspired by the real life love scandal between Sewage Loud, Yarn Pert, Sawn Jog On and himself. Very mushy and disturbing stories too. His blog address is .

Many months later, Bunco Grew couldn't take the pain of seeing Yarn Pert all mushy with Sewage Loud. So, he planned and plotted his moves to confess to Yarn Pert. He even made a blueprint. The next morning in school, Bunco Grew went up to Yarn Pert, his heart beating 900 times per minute. He was nervous about confessing his love for Yarn Pert.

"H...Ho...How... How...How would ... you... erm... uh...*wipes forehead*... like to be my 'girlfriend'?" Bunco Grew stammered nervously, waiting for a response from Yarn Pert.
"Gah, you pulling my leg is it?" Yarn Pert asked.

Deep down he actually had feelings for Bunco Grew. But, he thought Bunco Grew was out of his league, so he went to chase after Sewage Loud instead. When Bunco Grew confessed, Yarn Pert was actually so happy that he farted. Because he farted, Bunco Grew fainted. Back before the Stone Age, smelling salts were not invented yet so... Yarn Pert had to wait for four days until Bunco Grew woke up from his state of unconciousness to confront him.

"You really mean what you said that day?" Yarn Pert asked happily.
"Yes, of course. I love you so, so, so much," Bunco Grew replied.
[My Heart Will Go On sang by Celine Dion begins to play in the background, so roomaaantic]
"Aww, I love you too!"

So, Yarn Pert and Bunco Grew were all mushy and happy in each others' arms. (I don't know which one's the 'girl' and 'boy' in their gender confused relationship.) They dated, got married and lived happily to a ripe old age and had fifty grandchildren. Meanwhile, Sewage Loud and Sawn Jog On coupled up and yada yada yada as well. It was a happy ending for all.


(This story is purely fictional and only those who are familiar with the 'inside' story would understand it. This story was inspired by the existence of Gnowecurb, Natyrrep, Gnownosaj and Eewsalguod.)

PS: The donkey posted Part One of his counter attack against Polar at

Monday, November 12, 2007

What good have you done?

Doug said...

"Don't worry Perry, you have my sympathy and empathy, for i will mourn for your ill-fated death resulting from food poisoning. all the good you have done in this life (wad good?) and the good you will do in the after-life (NOT!) would be cherished and remembered for all the time to come...
if i have the time, that is.... (most of the times too lazy)
P.S.: heard this in a funeral i attended... sounds cliche, though...."

Gabrielle said...

"PS: i don't think you did much good either. Muahahaha."

Doug said...

"I have done something good in my life!! Like, for instance...erm... picking up 1 cent from the floor and gave it to the pitiful guy playing the guitar at the entrance to Parkson (counts as something GOOD, I don't care!)


What good did YOU do, huh, Gabby?"

Gabrielle said...

"I picked up RM1 and gave it to the blind man. Muahahhaha beats your 1 cent. I have done goooood!"

The moral of the story is, always make sure that you pick the largest possible digit when trying to boast about your good deed, donating money to the needy.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wrath of the computers

A dead computer can be seriously annoying especially for a rookie blogger. Seriously, a 400 kilobyte per second connection is like facing the wrath of hell. Someone should come up with 500 gigabyte per second connections.

I am facing a dilemma...
A life threatening conflict...
If I do not make the right decision, my life could be severely perished...

*Drum rolls*

Dell XPS or Hewlett-Packard Pavilion? The biggest choice to make, one wrong move could send RM4500 into the pits of regret.

*Drum rolls*
Dell XPS 420 it is, with four cores. If I succeed in frying this one up, I really got no more comments. Tze Lun claims the best is still a custom-configured set, to know why I would never think about getting a custom-configured set, seek the truth at Perry's Practically Stagnant Blog

That was a Stefan??

Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Hey gab
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Hey. I'm bored
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
cause of waiting at school?
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Eh. How would you know??
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
You where? Got scouts ah?
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Dunno lah some people walking up and down, calling here and there.
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Got meh?
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Never seem to notice others
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
You loh
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
I din call anybody leh. I only shouted for Joanne once or twice or thrice.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Playing with phone then
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
where? in SJS? I din play wif phone much today.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
not till around 4
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
ehh?? 4 I already go back leh
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
nearing 4
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
where was i? AVA room?
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
u cant b in d AVA room u aint RC
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
some people have eyes
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Uhhh...your gang? No leh at 3++ I didn't play phone. 3.00 maybe, was videoing.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
It was raining no?
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Yeah, it was. Creepiness. You seem to spot me but I never seem to spot you.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
and if im not mistaken you're around the toilet and right side of the school, near the surai. Somewhat nearing 4.
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
toilet...and were u playing a PSP?
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
I noticed you immediately. Which, you don't in return. That's why you don't see me. Haha!
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Hahaha. Nah, it was kinda dark. Can't really see.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Right...and i can see you why?
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
Cause I am FAIR. Hahaha. Cause I didn't have my head BURIED in a PSP and I wasn't SITTING DOWN.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
It wasn't burried. I looked up. Haha.
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
You looked up a few times but you went back to your PSP.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Seeing your reaction, seems so blurred.
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
What my reaction ah? I looked but I didn't recognized but since you LOOKED, I was like "Who's that?"
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Lol. That's your problem. I just didn't want to call out to you. Got my reasons.
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:'s not easy recognizing guys okay. ALL GUYS LOOK ALIKE.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
Same applies to you all. Wahahaha.
Gabrielle: twisted polar says:
So not. All guys look alike. If fair SURELY got SPECS then surely got SHORT same hairstyle. Guys should go differentiate themselves. There's an RC F4 leader who looks just like you.
(Šiĺēńŧ®ĺP)™ says:
perhaps thats me

How to recognize a Stefan from the other guys if they all look alike? A Jonas, a Bruce, a Perry or a Douglas could all look like a Stefan. Guys should maybe have different colored hair such as pink, green, blue, purple, orange or so forth, just so that it is way easier to differentiate them. How are you supposed to know "oh hey! I know that guy, it's *inserts name*" or "who the heck is that?". Such confusion is bad for the human brain.

Red Crescent

CPR!!!! On... a teddy bear...

Had a Red Crescent general meeting this morning and then a combined Red Crescent Youth Unit#8 and Red Crescent Youth Unit#3 meeting later in the afternoon. I lost a bet with Lilian and had to pay for her RM1.80 chips. I insisted that it was Kay Chai (Green Road Red Crescent Youth Unit Head Section Leader) that we saw but turns out it was another Green Road Red Crescent Youth Unit member, I forgot her name again. I will post up videos of the combined meeting after I get my desktop back, it takes ages just to upload a video with a 400kbs connection through a notebook. There were a lot of weird stuff in both meetings, trust us Red Crescent people to come up with weird eccentric things.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


A dead computer is a blogger's worst nightmare. Yes, you heard it. My computer was in a state of comma three days ago and I had it sent to the 'hospital'. Apparently, the DRAM had some issue and hence, I got it changed to 1GB and since it was already at the 'hospital', I got a new burner for it too. Well, I supposed it will be at the 'hospital' for a few more days or maybe even weeks. Blogging now from a Acer Travelmate that has tons of wires plugged into it (external broadband modem, speakers, woofer and USB cabels) and installing MSN Messenger. Spent half an hour setting up the broadband connection and three network bridges and outcome, INTERNET CONNECTION! I face the truth that I cannot live without computers and Internet...

Last Tuesday was the Hari Kecemerlangan Teresian Raptai and on Wednesday, it was the actual thing. Started at 8.30am, we had to wait for the big shots to arrive and as usual, they were typically late. Boring thing, read 'True Believer' by Nicholas Sparks throughout the speeches until it was the start of the award receiving. Had to get up and down the stage 5 times. Got the award for Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan, Pelajar Terbaik Kelas, Pelajar Terbaik Fiziks, Pelajar Cemerlang Kokurikulum (Menembak) and Pelajar Cemerlang PMR (Rm50.00). Comes with plagues only for the first four, money for the last and certificates for all.

Today's the last day of school, we only had school until 9.30am, clean up. We were lucky enough to get to stay in the Chemistry lab. Since one of the rules in the lab was that we could not move things around, we concluded we will only 'clean up' by arranging the lab chairs. Too lazy to blog, having an issue with MSN messenger now.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Love is like grapefruits

Couldn't find a suitable picture for this post so...I doodled one instead...

Love is like grapefruits.
When you look for 'grapefruits' you like to pick the right 'grapefruit' for you. So, you spend ages at the fruit stall, surveying every single 'grapefruit' until you find the perfect one. But aiyah, sometimes so sad. No good 'grapefruits'. What to do? Either you walk away from the stall or just don't care and go home empty handed or go home with any random 'grapefruit' good or bad. Then, if the 'grapefruit' is rotten, throw in the dustbin. If its a good 'grapefruit' eat it, digest it and uh... defaecate?

This is a counter post to Jonas' post on Trick or Treat?. Seems like it is always the guy who gets all work out on a crisis to tell the girl if he likes her or to not tell that he likes her, remain in secrecy eh? Well, it seems like confessing has turned into a guy's job. Seems the girl would prefer to sit back, relax, shake their legs and enjoy watching the guy getting tongue-tied trying to figure out a way to tell her that he likes her. Then, the girl might be giggling behind the guy's back and then turning around and tell him, "aiyah, try again next time."

Telling a girl that he likes her, is a typical guy crisis, I would say from my point of view. Let's say a guy tells a girl that he likes her and the girl has absolutely no interest in him, the girl might be thinking, "dumbass!". Let's say the guy does not tell the girl that likes her and the girl has interest in him, the girl might be thinking, "dumbass!" too. The irony of the complication of confessing...

Typical worst nightmare confessing scenes a girl might provide...

Scene 1 The Curser
Guy: Uh...err...ummm... I like you.
Girl: Holy shit! Go to hell!

Scene 2 The Polite One
Guy: Uh...err...ummm... I like you.
Girl: I'm sorry. I am not interested.

Scene 3 The Runner
Guy: Uh...err...ummm... I like you.
Girl: *runs away at speed of light* AAAAAAAAH!!!

Scene 4 The Ignorer
Guy: Uh...err..ummm... I like you.
Girl: Eh, you got watch football yesterday? Arsenal won ah!

That's my latest addition to the shoe rack...

Love at first sight

I went to the PC shop at Saberkas and I fell in love with the perfect computer that perhaps by end of this year or beginning of this year, will be my property, sitting on my desk! It was a fully glossy black set that cost a total of roughly RM3000.00 with a 19 inch monitor. It's a HP Pavilion A6250t series. Probably the most terrific looking thing in the computer shop besides the 48 inch monitor of course. That's going to be mine! This was love at first sight.

I got one of these today but with blue wordings. Such humorous bags. I finally uploaded the Health Screening photos after finally running into Joanne online.

Here's some photos from the Fun Day organized by the Form 2 Red Crescent members...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Gift of Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be still, where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Anyway, a noob (Joanne) just sent me another photo from our Coffee Bean trip. Apparently, we just can't live without our handphones...

Davelyn with her N80 & me with my W850i

School today = Boring

They get so boring. So boring, that you wish you can speed time up.
Well, 4 Science 1 managed to do so.
With a technology, we can and so can everyone actually.
It was a matter of 15 minutes and thanks to Amy. Inside joke...

School felt so long. Never ending in fact. I was almost dead. Azureen made brownies but I was too lazy to remove my retainers to eat. Another month to go and I can ditch the retainers.
I was begging Pn Kong to have mercy to say those magical words, "You can go home" to me but unfortunately, she was in a very happy evil mood so she told the whole class to keep and eye on me to make sure that I don't disappear from sight. 5 minutes later, I evaporated to the library. The library was such a bore. I was in a zombie-like state. Then, I left the library to wander back to class. On the way, I met Esther (Class monitor of 4 Science 2 and my supplier of butternuts) and decided to tag along with her to wherever she was going. Ended up, she went to the staffroom. Okay loh, I followed. She talked to her class teacher, Pn Jong while I stood there. Pn Jong asked Esther to fill in the marks for 42 students in 42 blue files. Wow. That's the burden a class monitor carries. So, I tagged with Esther to help her fill in the files. Pn Jong, was rather perplexed that she had a student (me) that she never knew existed in 4 Science 2. So, she asked...

Pn Jong: Who are you??
Me: Just a bored student.

So I spent one hour reading out marks of 42 students for Esther to fill. Then, I slowly lagged my way back to class. I ran into Pn Kong. Pn Kong in her happy evil mood leap out at me and said,

"AHA! You ah where you disappear to? I saw you walking pass the music room. Aha! You think I cannot see you is it. Aaaaahh, I can see you know through the window!"

School today, was uninteresting and at the same time interesting and was so long that I thought I would never see 1.15pm showed up on the clock if Amy never existed. Thank goodness next week no more 9th period...

We had mass this morning, All Saints Day. While I was doing the usual church duty with Cheryl, suddenly, Mr. Darry shoved the collection basket into my hand!!! The last time I did all that offering stuff was back in primary school! I walked back through the wrong way... so "sia soi" but I think nobody noticed unless the ribbon in my hair acted like a beacon (according to some stupid donkey).

I have one aim for next year: