That's right, I absolutely agree with whatever that is in the image above. Well, mainly because I wrote that.
The motto "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE" or "IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING" is the dumbest motto ever created by man. Is man that oblivious to the impossible? If nothing is impossible, can birds fly without wings?? I ask you that! If impossible was nothing, then birds can fly without wings. Talk about stupidity. Man should think before they project their ideas. Come on, logic and common sense!
I'm ranting today. Not based on the concept of,"I DON'T CARE" but because I have the right to voice out my opinions as long I do not include any profanities in this post about what I am ranting about. Fine, today is the Merdeka celebration thing my school threw. So I was there backstage, supervising the prefects and helping out with whatever I can. Now's the time for my
PA SYSTEM ORDEAL...We prefects were always told not to touch the pa system. Today, I was told to plug the microphones for choir in. Fine, I plugged them in without even asking anyone where to plug it in the two jacks. Did as I was told. The choir teacher adjusted the volume control of the microphones. But I noticed something... all three microphone volumes up and the two microphones I just plugged in, have no on/off switch. Since, there was no teacher there and the
rule of 'do not touch'... you get the point. So, when the principal was almost through her speech, there was a minute static noise and screech. Rather unusual actually, considering the fact why would it only screech now after such a long period of time. Then, Teacher A and Teacher B comes...
Teacher A screeches at me: Don't stand near the PA!!! (implying that standing near the PA causes static/screeching)Teacher A continues on screeching: Why the microphones facing the PA!!! (
implying microphones facing the PA causes static/screeching)Teacher A violently turns the microphone stands away from the PA (microphone screeches on)Teacher A shrieks: WHY YOU PLUG IN THE MICROPHONES WHEN YOU'RE NOT USING IT YET??? (isn't a PA system meant to have everything set up before in preparation for a function? Duh!)Teacher A violently yanks the jacks out of the PA system. Static/screeching continues on. Teacher B comes into the scene...Teacher B yells: Look at the light! (
points up at flickering flourescent lamp)
Flickering! That's why the microphone sound also like that! You see! When the light flicker, the microphone sound also!I was bemused by all the theories put forth and angry at them for blaming without any logical reasons. So, fine I moved to the back and let the teachers deal with the PA system on their own, ignored them. Then, time for choir. I hung back and did not bother with the PA. Why should I? It's apparent that the teachers think they can do better than me. So let them be then. However, I had to just adjust the volume controls for the choir teacher's sake. Then, I told Teacher A, it's best if she just takes over handling the PA. What happened? Lots of static and screeches begins once she twiddles with the controls. So, what's the problem now?? Ahh... I am not going to state.
I AM NO PRO REMEMBER? (For crying out loud, I could handle a PA system as if it was my PC!) Oh yeah, what I did was, I hung back and smiled in my own self amusement.
If prefects are going to keep getting blamed if something goes wrong with the PA system, then I believe, a
teacher should handle the PA system herself/himself for any function which requires the usage of the PA system. Why? Simply because of "do not touch" rule and if there's a PA system pro among the teachers, then let them do it. Unless, you properly train the prefect and let her handle the PA system without the "do not touch" rule then.
Or if you want to carry on like how it is now, then have that PA pro teacher watch over the prefect throughout the event. Why? Because every houseman requires a MO. So there.