Saturday, April 28, 2007
Is it just love?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Shaved cat...
Shaved cat...
Shaved cat...
OKAY! Enough!!! Time out.
...maybe I should ask Jas to shave his dog(s)...

SMK. St. Joseph's team & rants
That's Jonas, the first speaker speaking, Jason the second speaker and Doron the third speaker. They were opposition for the fast food topic.
Anyway, I was so pissed today. Okay, sure we lost the debate but there is no need to rub it in by saying vulgar things like, "I told you guys would lose against Batu Lintang. How can you guys lose??" or things like, "You guys are lousy that's why lose" or "I heard St. Jo's team was lousy and Doron was lousy." or "how are you feeling?" or "aren't you sad that you lost?" or "does mean you lose everything?" I mean, what the heck... If you were not there, don't say a word because you don't know what happened. So keep your thoughts to yourself. What is this? Moral support ah?? If you are not a debater, you don't have the rights to judge another debater. And even if you are a debater, you don't have the rights to voice out your opinions about the other debater. All debaters are good in their own aspects. We have agressive or sarcastic or mild or firm speakers, we have an assortment. But frankly, you are not a debater, you don't even have to right to call other schools lousy or other debaters lousy. Do you even personally know Doron? Have you personally heard Doron speak? If no, then have no say, have no comments on St. Joseph's team or St. Teresa's team or any other team. Why am I even bothering, it's not like St. Joseph's my team or what right? But I personally think it still doesn't give you the right to criticize any team when you were not there to witness anything. So zip it. End of the story.
Rules and regulations if you are not a debater
1. You have no rights to judge another debater.
2. If you don't want to give moral support, feel like junking, zip it.
3. Don't ask a team that lost, how do they feel. You know how they feel. Happy ah?
4. Don't make sweeping statements about teams/speakers being lousy.
Rules and regulations if you are a debater
1. You know the team was not an easy team, so don't bullshit trying to be cocky and say that they were actually lousy.
2. You don't have the rights to judge another debater as well.
Quote of the day:
Lee Chun Hoe(s) are like underwear, what they reveal are misleading but what they hide are interesting.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Debate & McD
me, the 3rd speaker trying to put on another high & mighty look & failing miserably...
Kristen Chew & Azureen Bakrie, 1st & 2nd speakers...what are they doing again??
Nishanti Ranee & Rhema Basil (somewhere lurking in the photo...), reserved speakers
Leftovers from our McD meal...
Kristen...busy missing McD's
Nisha being too absorbed in drinking...
Rhe & I in the process of eating...
Nisha throwing away our rubbish...
It was one very interesting debate indeed... very, very, very "INTERESTING". To what I see, it was sort of like we were both argueing on different things, not on one thing instead. I have LOTS to comment about this debate, like one million and one comments. However, I chose to not express it publicly. So far, only those who had spoken to me about the debate know about it such as some octopus, some gorilla, some doggie and some human bean. It was just VERY VERY "INTERESTING".
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Winky & Lassie

so so so adorable!!!
How could anyone resist such a cutie!
her again...too cute not to potray
she's a black Shih Tzu and adorable!
just too adorable...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Good day dear Mr/Mrs/Miss Anonymous!

Perhaps getting confused by the commotion and the sudden standback against your stands of my show-offness? Suddenly from pinpointing your finger on the show-offness in me that you see to Joanna's statement about you being a chicken? Is it just confusion or is it that you just have a tendency to see everything from the negative side?
May I question you, you state that Joanna was a chicken as well because there are many Joanna's' in the world. So, for example, if her name was Joanna Tan, there are many Joanna Tan's' in the world. And if she puts her full name, Joanna Tan Ming Xin, for example, there are many Joanna Tan Ming Xin's' in the world. So, do you demand for her to put down in extreme micro-detail such as her name, her age, her sex, her identification card number, her address and deep down the the very depths of her personal details to deferentiate her from another Joanna?? And if so, aren't you supposed to do the same either? I can see that you are indeed, contradicting yourself. Is it confusion again, I ponder??
Indeed it may appear rude to you the way I phrase my sentences about that particular teacher but, isn't it better to come clean than to beat around the bush just to phrase it in another way the exact thing I am trying to imply? Do we have to beat around the bush when everything can end with a full stop with a simple displacement of going right to the point? Is it just confusion again that you are facing or is this just how your personality is to beat around the bush and preach your personality to me to beat around the bush like you as well to come off as "nice" about that particular teacher whereas my mind does not even speak the slightest bit so?? Is that what you are trying to imply here??
You don't see how this had turned into an arguement? For me it is not an arguement, it is simply a confliction of your opinion against my opinion. I daresay not to quote it as an arguement so fret not about it being an arguement or are you confused once more on my intentions and posts about your intentions?? Perhaps it has to be clarified. Blogging ethics are ethics in deed, nobody stated or ruled that they are rules and indeed if you can see, this is a blog unless you are confused once more whether this is a blog or not?? Oh dear, facing alot of confusion aren't we here?? Nevermind, you can be helped to surface from the midst of your tangles of confusions. Indeed you are criticising and I was only replying to your critism and clarifying to you that what it was, was simply my joy over my victory. Of course, you have to be excused as you are very confused indeed. I have a question to ponder, I wonder why are you so worked up over what we are worked up when you said you don't see what is there to get so worked up over this topic. Hmmmm...confused once more, Anonymous?
A very Happy Easter to you and God bless. (if you are Christian, oh well)
Friday, April 6, 2007

If I were to blog to please the readers, with constant piority to their point of view, others' point of views, I might as well shut down my blog and not blog because the whole main idea of a blog is for my daily gibberish and not gibberish that pleases readers. You can comment whatever you want but nothing will change my perspective of blogging to please and amuse myself and not the ordinary man. For those who have no idea what I am rambling about, refer to the chatbox.
PS: I don't blog to please and amuse the ordinary man.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Gabrielle supports child labour...
First of all, I supposed that my team won today because the government wasn't really prepared and was rater confused with the motion of the day. Even Puan Sandy seemed confused with the motion of the day. But frankly speaking, it was a rather unbalanced topic as child labor varies in different countries across the world and the motion never defined it as global child labor or child labor within a particular country. This was one pretty confusing topic based on several basis but nevertheless, it did make sense although it didn't make sense. Oh what the heck, I am so not making sense now but really! It did not make any sense but somehow, sense came through or was it pure babbling??
I'm going to be facing a busy, busy month ahead of me... Anyway, did I mention yet? I was chosen as Senior Council for the mooting team. The two senior councils are Azureen and me, junior council Kristen and Zahira. Solicitors are Demie and Lilian. Oh, as for the interschool debate thingy, the speakers are Azureen, Kristen and me. The reserves are Rhema and Nishanti. All right, that's all the babbling and boasting I got to do today. Now, allow me to flee from the screen...
I got best speaker twice and therefore as I conclude, Jason Chen has to 'chia' me!!! This closes the deal!
Sunday, April 1, 2007