Friday, March 30, 2007
A round of roti canai

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Purplification and cheese

First of all after all the purplification talk, a big thank you to Cedric for lending a helping hand with my debate! And no, that cheesecake is not for him, he did not deserve anything as he did not, let me emphasize on it, he did NOT come up with 5 POIs that I did not have. So no kolo mee, no roti canai or whatsoever for the octopus with the green hair. Tomorrow's motion will be, "This House Bans Cosmetic Surgery" and I am the opposition. And next Tuesday, I have another debate and this time, the motion is, "This House Bans Child Labor" and once again, I am the opposition.
Cheesecake... blueberry cheesecake... why do I have a sudden craving for mouth-watering, scrumptious, creamy blueberry cheesecake? Must be the effects of purplification.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Busy busy Loser
Anyway, I went for prefects' camp last Friday until Saturday at Camp Permai. We stayed in Cabin 2 and my cabimates are Ashley, Aazean, Melanie, Jacintha and Sharon. The camp was in deed very, very fun I must say. The food was great, the activities were great and the cabin was great. We did our obstacle course in two days because it rained halfway during the first day so we continued the next day. My group consists of Claire, Neeja, Clarisse, Anabelle, Zahira and me! We were the odd group out that named ourselves Losers. Why so? Because Losers meant that we had nothing to lose, rain or shine we are together, nothing to lose but to aim higher, we are the Losers. Okay, weird but...nevertheless, the Losers became best group for the camp!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Money and complains

I haven't been blogging consistently. Yes, I know and that's because I have alot in my hands now this year appart from studies. Speaking of studies, I made the most riddiculous mistakes in Mathematics that caused me 14 precious, precious, so so precious marks! For my cumulative graph, I miraculously summed up 10+9=15 and the following after that sum was all wrong and hence, my ogive was wrongly drawn! Noooooo! Depressing I tell you. So I was only given 3 marks for that section for drawing the y and x axis and for the first part of the cumulative frequency that I counted correctly. $#^%!#@!!! And off flies another mark at my geometry part, I actually used a pyramid formulae for a prism question! Off flies another mark at this linear question to find the values of P and Q. I found P of course but I miraculously forgot to substitute to find Q. And one question clearly states x<7,>
Broadcasting my results (though not comfirmed for certain papers but just an earlybird broadcasting so there...) I got a 72 for Additional Mathematics thanks to the blindness of copying signs and answers over to the answer column wrongly and thanks to 'intelligently' adding and subtracting 'correctly', "eg. 2x+x=5x". I got an 82 for Physics, seriously I never adored this subject, my least favored among the three science subjects. I got 91 for Biology, 85 for Mathematics, 100 for Moral, 93 for EST and 90 for English. Then I got an 81 for History, I got full marks for objective and close to full marks for structur but for my essay part, I had the points but my teacher claims because the head of my sentence was wrong and even though the point was in the middle, no marks given, so, a beautiful 10/20 for my essay part. I got a 76 for BM, 'terrific' marking from the 'terrific' other BM teacher that marked my paper. I'll elaborate further about this BM teacher in the next paragraph. And I got 86 for Chemistry and guess what I did, a really stupid mistake...I wrote 'M' for magnesium! How could I write a 'M' when it clearly stated in bold, "Mg"?? %&$#! Such lousy marks I obtained this term. I think that's all so over to the BM teacher...
So, we had two different BM teachers marking the papers in our class. Those who wrote about Gejala Sosial had their papers marked by Cikgu X and those who wrote about Kebakaran Hutan had their papers marked by Cikgu Y. So, Cikgu X one of the lousiest BM teachers I can think of honestly, she can even mark the points that you write (which are correct) as wrong just because they are not formed the way she wants and she circles your capital letters and tell you that they are not in capital form. Not only that, she insists that 'doktor' must be written as 'Dr.' She grades papers really lousily and honestly, I doubt her qualifications as a BM teacher and she claimed she went for all those courses but is she sure that she's actually telling our class the right thing? Not only that, what sort of BM teacher doesn't know that Karangan A is allowed to be over 120 words and insists that it MUST be less than 120. Preposterous bullsh*tting teacher.
So, due to the unfairness of this terms BM marking system. I demanded that all 42 papers were to be collected back and remarked by one teacher only. There are several more reasons to why the marking was obviously unjustified based on few other grounds which are rather provacative hence, I am not mentioning them here but I have already mentioned them verbally this morning in class. Frankly speaking, we got good teachers of course but lately, all my class seems to be getting are lousy BM teachers. I demand for a good one who can teach and mark.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Gabrielle asks, Aaron answers

I asked the question...
If there were two girls that liked you. One was ugly and fat but she liked you for who you are and another was pretty and slim but she liked you for your looks. Which one would you pick?
Aaron Chan answers...
What a hard question. The pretty one. Because the ugly one likes me for who I am so when I get sick of her and dump her, she'll get hurt. But the pretty one would dump me instead when I get ugly. This sounds weird...
Catch the live preview of an orang utan blogging at Jonas Blogged by Jonas Gumis, who started blogging today.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Was tagged by Samantha Si to divulge six weird things about me. Grr... I am so going to emanulate the colour purple now.
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!
1. I get excited over puppies.
2. I find it amusing when Paris Hilton got an iron rod driven through her head.
3. I take a long time to make up my mind even when I have to decide to have chicken pie or stew pie for tea.
4. I don't like sleeping but I don't like waking up either.
5. I have a severe obsession for teddy bears no matter they are blue or purple or black teddies.
6. I actually answer to tags.
Now to tag people.
Cedric, the judo-ing Octopus
Kenny, the add maths reference book
Tze Lun, the blogger who takes a lot of photos
Christine, the Farenheit-obsessed
Samuel, who's Kuching's next Shakespeare
Wen Qi, who blogs in Xanga
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!
1. I get excited over puppies.
2. I find it amusing when Paris Hilton got an iron rod driven through her head.
3. I take a long time to make up my mind even when I have to decide to have chicken pie or stew pie for tea.
4. I don't like sleeping but I don't like waking up either.
5. I have a severe obsession for teddy bears no matter they are blue or purple or black teddies.
6. I actually answer to tags.
Now to tag people.
Cedric, the judo-ing Octopus
Kenny, the add maths reference book
Tze Lun, the blogger who takes a lot of photos
Christine, the Farenheit-obsessed
Samuel, who's Kuching's next Shakespeare
Wen Qi, who blogs in Xanga
Chicken rice and orang utans

I watched 300 and Bridge to Tribitha (is that how you spell it??) yesterday with a couple of friends and honestly, 300 was the most boring and unfascinating movie ever. At least Bridge go Tribitha was slightly better. There, I ran into Aaron Chan. Who 'politely' jumped queu in front of me and 'politely' stuck his fingers into his ears when I was speaking until I had to 'politely' yank them out.
I also noticed the unusual toilet conditions at Star Cineplex. Of course, I meant the ladies toilets. The lids cannot be fully lifted up and the sitting toilets were unusually low, about 20cm off the ground only and they were constantly wet as if someone just had a shower!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Petronas green

That's all I have to say for today. Facing a very busy week ahead with mooting competition coming up this May. Wonder if Sarawak Club is ready for our dinner by May... butter prawns... *salivates*. Oh wait a second, having braces might ruin my appetite for delicious, buttery, creamy, scrumptious, juicy, mouth-watering butter prawns due to certain difficulties in chewing which, I will not mention. As Cedric had already complained about it being disgusting to his knowledge.
I had been posing around the place with recycle-able goods ranging from bags and bags of tin cans to heaps and heaps of towering ancient newspapers for my Moral kerja khursus. It's like I suddenly became a model and the government wants to see me, a model, *cough cough* doing some charity work of picking up scraps of litter and dropping it into the recycling bin with style and flair that would get me an A for my Moral kerja khursus.
Note of the day:
I am now fringe-ed!!! *ruffles hair proudly*
Friday, March 2, 2007
It's a post!
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