- PMR taklimat today. I'm sitting first row, second from the right. It was held after break until 12.00pm. Madam Mary, our principal, did not give her speech because she was unwell and at Normah Hospital. Puan Dyg. Rohana gave the taklimat and Puan Jennifer gave a short acknowledgement on our Post-PMR programme on what we were going to do from the 9th to the 31st of October 2006.
- Tomorrow is a holiday for us Form3's. I'm so glad to hear that.
- I must remember to bring my exam slip and identification card on that PMR week.
- Christine had another crappy stroke at nicknaming people. She nicknamed people Harimau Malaya. Well, she's just too jobless. Ain't she the lousiest!
- I ran into Aunty Yong (my busdriver back in Form1 & 2) at the St. Joseph toilets. She still remembers me!!! Miss taking the bus. It was great fun.
- Last day of Maths tuition today. Took photos. Will miss Mr. Lee!
- Last day of BM tuition tomorrow. Will miss Puan Chen too!
- Today shall be my last day blogging. So, see you next Friday. Tataaaz!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
More & more statements
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Wednesday Statements
- Puan Tan gave chocolates to those who got A for the mock PMR exam.
- Wow, Rhe and Christine stressed me out over something completely unstressful and not to mention, rather funny.
- Bao Lin is afraid of cats. During break, she was squealing and jumping around as she patrolled pass our table at the canteen because there was a stray cat there. Teh should have been there to save her.
- Rhe lost a bet to Chai Yi Ying today. They were debating whether the post-PMR banner says 9th October to 31st October or 9th October to 18th October. Chai was right that it was 9th-31st.
- Would anyone believed if I took up ballroom dancing? Hahahaha. My friend(s) are planning to but I have already planned to take up tennis.
More statements of the day
- I haven't got much time to blog due to PMR next week.
- Jason is being a pest AGAIN as he ALWAYS is. Ain't he the lousiest!
- Puan Wong positively blamed Rhe, Mich and I for complaining about the class atmosphere being too noisy. Frankly speaking, why would I even complain in the first place if I was one of those noise contributors, rite?? Speak of the devil...
- I know I said this many times but... I WON A BET WITH JAS! Muahahaha! He owes me coffee.
- Christine attempted her first try to blog today and miraculously, ran into an obscene pop-up. So much for a first-timer blogger.
- Rhe and I were fooling around with Rhe's ambition form yesterday. Rhe filled in one of her 2nd option with bartender, her 3rd options with international supermodel, taxi driver and maid.
- PMR is next Monday.
- Good luck to all those sitting for PMR & SPM.
- PMR is ending soon.
- My birthday is coming...and Kenny wished me Happy Birthday last week (?) because he thought it was my birthday. (he's over-stressed from mock SPM...shhhh)
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Statements of the day
Dropping by for a few statements of the day...
1. Jason is a hippo for the day.
2. Jason does not rock.
3. Jason is a sore loser.
4. I lost a bet to Teh.
5. I hate football.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Egg tarts
Believe me or not. Well, don’t because we most certainly did not baked egg tarts that look as perfect as those. We baked egg tarts for Kemahiran Hidup today. Everyone had their aprons on. You ought to have seen me in my red and white checker-boxed apron that I sewed back when I was in Form1! We were all joking, saying how we should take pictures of us in our aprons and post them on our Friendster profiles. I was in the same group with Ashley, Chai Yi Ying, Christine, Isabella, Valerie and Rhema. Our egg tarts were lopsided, some were slightly burnt and some, the eggy part had ballooned up to look like…er…balloons! They were hollow inside! Honestly, I am definitely not the World’s Best Cook but I am pretty sure that I am not the World’s Worst Cook either! At least our egg tart baking session went rather smoothly compared to last year’s kuih koci making session when I was in the same group as Esther, Nisha and Rhema. Our kuih koci ballooned up to be the size of paus and were uncooked. Disgusting. Oh, anyway, at break time today in school, Christine, Rhe and I went a little nuts and were telling ‘Betty’ what we ‘heard’. Natalie and Melissa were with us and it was hilarious how ‘Betty’s’ reaction was. Natalie did a pretty good imitation of the frowning and the shouting of ‘I AM STILL SINGLE!!!’
I won!!! This teaches you not to bet, Jas!!!
Oh gosh! Hahahaha! It was freaking stupid. Jason made a bet with me and he was like, let’s bet and I bet I can get top 3 this exam. He also said (in the first place) that if I got top 3, he would ‘chia’ me coffee at Coffee Bean. 3 cups if I got 3rd, 2 if I got 2nd and 1 if I got 1st. Well, we did bet on this term and I did get 2rd. So, I was like asking over and over if he was sure or not. Ended up, he changed it to one cup if I got top 3 and hahahhaa, I DID GET TOP THREE! So, Jason owes me coffee now! Hahahaha! If he gets top 3, I would have to ‘chia’ him a cup of coffee and if he does get the highest for sejarah, I would have to ‘chia’ him one type of food in Coffee Bean. I wiiiiin! Blueks!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I feel preeeetty relaxed!
Gosh! PMR is just the following week! Have you ever had that feeling in your stomach when you know that the next big hit of your life is coming and that you feel like the 150% that you have given is just not enough? I just hope I gave everything I have and that I would excel in it. I can't wait for it to be over. It's like, come on, let's get this over and move on to the next big hit of my life. PMR mock results are out. Guess what, I nailed all 6 subjects with an ace but I screwed BM up with a 78%. That makes my grand total, 6A's and 1B. Bummer... If I am not mistaken, only Chai and Wendy got 7A's in the whole Form3. A phone call from Rhe this afternoon informed me that I got 3rd for this mock exam. Woohoo!!! Oh, I hadn't been to school for three days because I was sick. Actually I felt better this morning but since I was given 3 days of sick leave by the doctor, why not take it to the maximum limit!!! It's coming, it's coming...PMR...and I am counting the days left!
Fashion Extravaganza Kuching!
Ever noticed the top few trends happening in Kuching? I think Oprah's help in "the right pair of jeans for you" would be very much needed here! I was out last Monday, doing a little shoe-shopping of my own at Vincci's. As I walked pass the pedestrian walk, there was like these group of teenage girls standing there. Oh gosh, they look like a couple of hookers! No offence but seriously, they do. I mean, hello! This is like Kuching not Queen's. Fashion flair had been taken to the extreme here in Kuching such as wearing tops that spell bit%$ across the chest or shorts that spell bit%$ across the arse. Some would find the idea of extremely low-cut jeans as a big fashion y-e-s.
Friday, September 15, 2006
St. Thomas too high-teched or too rich?
Jason was telling me about Lionel's blazer and Tupperware getting stolen by some coo-cooed 4sc2 boy and it was all caught on CCTV. Why is St. Thomas high-teched! Is it because they just got too much money until they just waste it on CCTVs all around the school? Okay, back to the story. Lionel left his blazer and tupperware with 3 other blazers in front of the main office around 5pm because he and a few people stayed back to study or so and it got stolen. And then, they get so spend 1 and a half hour (was it?) watching the video over and over to make sure that it was really that boy who stole it. Lionel was saying that his mum called up the tailor about making a new blazer because who knows what that boy did to the blazer, perhaps even voodoo-ed it. I was telling Lionel that he has a stalker now, one that would want his sweaty, stinky, smelly, yucky, dry-cleaned-only-once-a-month blazer and that who knows if that boy slept with the blazer. Hahahaha! Cool, how come things like that never happen in my school! My school only has those "auto-flushing" toilets but St. Thomas has CCTV cameras! Gosh, I must remember never to do anything stupid in front of the main office or hall...
Officially Gabrielle Nathania!
It was Comfirmation yesterday at St. Joseph Church from 5.00pm to 6.30pm but we were all told to be there in school uniform by 4.15pm. St. Joseph School students were so organize yet we St. Teresa students were so unorganized because we were not told where to sit, what to do and what to so. Sheesh... It was my first time doing a church reading, second reading and it's a big change from all those fast-paced and aggressive debates I usually do! I was so lost, didn't know what to do. Thank goodness, dear Kristen was doing first reading! What would I do without Kristen! Everybody had like names similar to each other, such as Alex, Alexis, Alexandra, Alezandra but me...muahahhaa, the one and only Nathania!
Thursday, September 14, 2006

There's the hallucinating stress whereby you think something is happening when it actually isn't. See that picture above? Due to the stress exerted from PRA-PMR, Esther wrote that on the blackboard. Wow! A Science paper for like 16 hours!!! When you are so stressed...you just begin to imagine and believe things. We were sitting for Kemahiran Hidup and Nisha thought that it was Science that we were sitting for.
Because it was Science and Kemahiran Hidup today (exam overload!), Amy slept at 2.00am and woke up at 5.00am. Chong slept at 2.15am and woke up at 5.00am as well. How did they do that? Mugs and mugs of thick, strong, black Nescafe coffee. This is called caffeine stress. I wonder how did they managed to do that. If it was me, I think by the time I woke up at 5.00am, I would be snoring in front of the mirror as I brushed my teeth. I would sleep in the shower and fall asleep in school. No way I could sleep for only 3 hours. I slept at 9.30pm last night...
I woke up at 3.00am, thinking I had school at that hour! I wasn't the only one, Nisha woke up at 3.00am too, thinking that she was late for school. This is when you got too much on your head from exams, your brain just refuses to rest eventhough you are sleeping. It's too busy ticking like clockwork...Speaking of sleep. There was this research that showed that if you sleep for less than 5 hours, you can actually gain 0.7kg after some time. Research also showed that if you sleep for more than 7 hours, you can actually lose weight. This is going to put Marie France Bodyline out of business in no time!
Did you know that 15 trees are cut down to make just one testpaper? A class of forty students, that makes it practically 600 trees! Start loving nature and be a tree hugger! SAY NO TO EXAMS!!! Basically, they cause stress! A big packet of stress! Everyone is busy exchanging answers around the globe...correction...Zon A. Exams are like teabags, they can never run out of flavour...they just get more bitter and more bitter.
Saturday, September 9, 2006
US Open 2006
She actually won the US Open Women’s Finals against 2nd seed
- Justine Henin-Hardene
- Maria Sharapova
- Daniela Hantuchova
- Elena Dementieva
- Martina Hinggis
- Andy Roddick
- James Blake
- Nadal
- Tommy Haas
- Roger Federer
Honestly, I think the only sport that I can sit still in front of the television for hours to watch would be tennis. I sat down for five hours in front of the television yesterday afternoon watching the Henin-Hardene vs Jankovic and Sharapova vs Mauresmo matches. Later I shall spend several hours again to watch the delayed match of Sharapova vs Henin-Hardene. After the last day of PMR on the 6th of October, I’m going to go for tennis coaching at the BDC courts. My very first time touching the tennis racket and playing tennis, I managed to hit the ball back twice, serve the ball across the net, hit the ball over the tennis court fences and played for 2 hours 30 minutes straight from 3.30pm to 6.00pm at Damai’s court one. Tennis is a heck lot of fun...
Guess who I ran into last night at
Friday, September 8, 2006
Haunted toilets and Josephian spirits!
My school is really catching up onto the whole deal of "technology era". There's this old block of toilets that had been locked up for many, many years and recently they unlocked it and allowed students to use it. They even unlocked that gloomy 4SC1 cubicle behind the usual toilet block. So there's this particular cubicle that 'auto-flushes'. Take note that it's an ancient toilet bowl and tank and certainly does not come with those censors! That day the usual toilet block was packed with students, so I decided to try out the recently unlocked block of toilets. So, I was inside one of the cubicles in there when suddenly I heard flushing and girls screaming shrilly. I nearly got a heart attack. Went out and asked Rhe, who was standing next to those two Malay girls, what happened. They were like gibbering about the manual toilet suddenly flushing itself and the tap turning itself on. Later, the news spreaded. Julie, Grace and Andreana went to visit the recently opened toilets, followed by Isabella and Christine. Later, Rhe and I went to revisit the recently opened toilets. I was only one foot in the toilet when Rhe ran away from the toilets!!! Christine and I still laugh over that incident of Rhe running away...
Josephian spirit!
Mufti Day was on the 7th of September. Well, most people would show up in T-shirts, skirts, jeans, slippers, heels or sport shoes but this particular Form5 dressed up like a Josephian. From the white shirt, green tie, black belt, green pants, down to the white socks and shoes! She sure attracted a lot of attention. It was like Rhe and I jokingly suggesting to use the St. Thomas afternoon session boys' prefects' uniform on 2006's Mufti Day. Honestly speaking, I must say that St. Thomas' morning session prefects' uniform gets a 10/10 from me.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Y Birthday JASON!!!!
Merdeka! Merdeka! Malaysia!
Argh! How freaking humiliating to yell that on stage! I did that this morning after giving my poem on stage entitled "Road to Freedom". Was like having a million thoughts such as, what if I say something wrong? What if I forget my lines? What if I speak like a bullet train? What if I speak too slow? What if they boo??? Luckily, the students weren't in a booing mood swing. Thank goodness. I was the first to read, followed by Daniella, Elaine and then a speech by Azureen.
PMR postponed???
Shit! (Pardon me but shit!). Okay, I'm done cursing here. This is freaking annoying! How can they postpone PMR from the 2nd of October to middle of October? Everyone is like waiting for PMR to be over and to be done with it but postponed?? Nooooooo! I tell you, this is a nightmare! This is far worst than the Coffee Bean nightmare I had two days ago! Arghhhh! What happens to the 7th of October when we all planned to go for pizza to celebrate the fact that PMR is over??? What happens to my birthday on the 11th of October??? Noooo! This is all because of puasa! Why? Why can't they go fast and sit for PMR too??? Crap! Shit! Whatever...damn it...I hope it's not comfirmed. I received the news from Kristen and Zahira and they heard it from the news. Shit... Pardon today's language...
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Nike Chens
I got shocked when I came into the car after Pn Chen tuition and my parents were like, "guess what we got?". They got my sis a purple one and I got a black one. Originally I wanted the 1GB pink one but this is like 2GB! My dad bought the silicon casing, the clip and the casing purse-like thing as well. I am speechless! Kenny asked me to take photos of it but ah, I bet if I took a photo of it, it would turn out to be hideous and not to mention I have to waste all those energy to download the pictures into my computer and then upload it onto Photobucket before copying it over here. Troublesome, why not just snitch a photo from www.sony.com since I can?
My cousin Stella got admitted into the hospital for coming down with a high fever. The doctor said that if she came down with pneumonia again, she would have to be admitted again. She's taking UPSR this monday and she probably got some fear of it until she developed a fever. Well, no surprise with all the tuition she has... at the age of 12. Good luck to all those sitting for UPSR.
This is an unreleased Nike advertisment:
Latest Nikes in the market...
With Nike Chens, you can jump like fleas! Put them on and you will jump like grasshoppers and look like beetles! They are the latest Nike basketball shoes in town with far better technology than any Rm700 Nike Jordans.