Saturday, April 29, 2006
Prefects' Telematch
The prefects' telematch was yesterday. We combined with St.Jo and Lodge School. I had to wake up dead early and go to school before 8am. Rhema, Cheryl and Melissa were already there waiting for me together with Sarah. Then...it was registration and then they told us to wait at the primary school assembly field. Then, it was ice breaking. First they told us to take off our shoes. Rhema and I were like....ohhhh no....no way, no way it's going to be like the Red Crescent one but instead this time, they are the facilitators and they torture us rather than like the RC one when both of us were facilitators and we got to torture them. At least this one...not so bad, we get to simply grab any shoe and then go hunt for your own shoe unlike like the RC one whereby you had to grab only your own shoe if not you had to dance on stage and the RC one as like a stampede. Then we had another icebreaker, we got these stickers stuck on our heads then there's a job writen on it, you had to figure out what you are. I was a waitress. Then, it was group sorting time. I was in this group that called themselves Black Mettle...I think that's how you spell it, its not Black Metal for sure. My facilitator was Richard and the group leader was Chan. It was Michelle Lee, Mary-Ann, two Malay f5 seniors, Emm from Lodge, Chan and two other guys from St.Jo. There was a group cheer than I could hardly remember it. Then we had something sort of like an obstacle course. The first one was three sticks tied with rafia string so it was like a triangle. We all had to go in and figure a way how to get out without touching the strings and we weren't allowed to crawl under. End up, we had to carry each other to get out. Basically...I don't think I carried anyone. Then it was waterballoon volleyball under the hot sun. Then it was charades....then it was this game that you had to pass the sponge with your feet then it was lunch break and then this game when we had to figure out a way to get a 50 cent coin out of a block of ice without cracking the ice and then it was water balloon fight then it was time to go home. It was so much different from the RC telematch, the RC one....huh! Dirty and exhausting for the participants. I was the facilitator so I didn't get dirty with eggs or flour only wet towards the end of the telematch when I joined in the water balloon fight and threw eggs.
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Saturday, April 22, 2006
RCYU#8 telematch
Woke up at 5.35am, reached St. Teresa's carpark at 6.05, went to leave my stuff in the sickroom. Rhema reached at 5.45am. So, we were in charge of filling up water balloons. Our water balloons were pathetic looking for the first batch. The second batch was pretty big. Useless baloons, they all either leak or cannot open! Then we had our breakfast in the hall, they provided sandwiches. Then, Rhema and I helped out Nur Amalina and Lilian to usher people into the hall. We were like, "Welcome to RCYU8. Please register at the counter," and this Green Road guy was like walking and then laughed when we said that. Then they had the ice breaking part when they were all given balloons and toothbpicks. They had to blow their balloons and pop each others' balloons and the last one left with his/her balloon unpopped wins. I had to hand out balloons and I handed one to this SJS guy. He's so pathetic, he blew his balloon and it just wouldn't get bigger. So I assume it had a hole, so I gave him a new one and he blew...still no effect...he blew and blew until after the ice breaking was over..it was still flat. Then they had this game whereby they had to take off all their shoes place it next to them. Then, we telematch committee members had to grab their shoes and throw them in the middle. They were supposed to find for their shoes. So i grabbed this guy's shoes and he was like, "why you take my shoes! give me back!" and tried to run after me but his friend stopped him. Then, once they were allowed to get their shoes, everyone rushed to the pile of shoes as if they had never seen shoes before. It looked like war-torn people who had not eaten for days. Then came the Amazon Race and obstacle course. My group had only like 8 clues out of 10 clues but they figured out where to go to. The obstacle course...people got grubby with eggs and flour and other yucky stuff. I was totally clean until the water balloon part when I joined in because the others, facilitators are not to participate. I got so wet. Someone threw a pail of water at me. I threw two eggs at two guys and a water balloon at one guy. I missed Theodore with a water balloon. Then came the best male/female/ group awards then cleanup ad they ciao. Rhema and I went around trying to grab customers for the STS fud n fun fair tickets. I managed to persuade Daniel Loo into buying. Rhema and I were trying to grab Desmond to be either one of our customers. Desmond was like caught in between. End up, I let Desmond buy from Rhema but end up, he didn't buy because his other friends didn't want to. I was trying to persuade Sg. Maong guys to buy but they already buy from Georgina. Haiz.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Spill with Skill
"You, I observe that you never do your work. I know your trying to escape doing your work," goes Puan Wong.
Crazy teacher....I finished my KH woodwork like two to three weeks ago. I was the first to finish. Sheesh. Then I was insisting that I did finish and she told me don't try to cheat her. Rubbish! Then she walked off. Then Rhema was like...."I told you she was insane!". I was like positively boiling, like no teacher ever accused me of such a thing. I walked up to her and told her that I will proove to her that I did do my work and show her to it tomorrow. She was like blinking at me with this "ya rite" look on her face. The next day, I really showed to her. She was like practically black in the face. Crazy teacher.Ugh, the debate got prosponed to two weeks from now! Everytime it's my turn for some English assessment, it always gets delayed two weeks for this year. Everyone was like so annoyed that it got delayed. On Wednesday, Rhema and I came up with a plot...well, the victim, certainly was Amelia and...we just plotted to tell her that it was ahem....her Danny's birthday. We knew that if we told her that, she was bound to errupt like some volcano and start cursing and swearing. But end up, neither of us wanted to even talk to her (after all we were never that keen on talking with her) plus, she seemed rather grumpy and cranky. Have you heard of the Chinese pantang about giving your boyfriend or girlfriend stuff? Like you can't give shoes because that will mean that your gf/bf will run away or you can't give watches because that means he/she will die. So, Rhema and I were talking to Christine about these pantangs. Then Rhema went, "If you give you boyfriend/girlfriend glasses, it means he/she will look at other girls/boys." Christine seriously believed that one until we said that it was just a lie. The new phrase of the week for our class is, "spill with skill."
Crazy teacher....I finished my KH woodwork like two to three weeks ago. I was the first to finish. Sheesh. Then I was insisting that I did finish and she told me don't try to cheat her. Rubbish! Then she walked off. Then Rhema was like...."I told you she was insane!". I was like positively boiling, like no teacher ever accused me of such a thing. I walked up to her and told her that I will proove to her that I did do my work and show her to it tomorrow. She was like blinking at me with this "ya rite" look on her face. The next day, I really showed to her. She was like practically black in the face. Crazy teacher.Ugh, the debate got prosponed to two weeks from now! Everytime it's my turn for some English assessment, it always gets delayed two weeks for this year. Everyone was like so annoyed that it got delayed. On Wednesday, Rhema and I came up with a plot...well, the victim, certainly was Amelia and...we just plotted to tell her that it was ahem....her Danny's birthday. We knew that if we told her that, she was bound to errupt like some volcano and start cursing and swearing. But end up, neither of us wanted to even talk to her (after all we were never that keen on talking with her) plus, she seemed rather grumpy and cranky. Have you heard of the Chinese pantang about giving your boyfriend or girlfriend stuff? Like you can't give shoes because that will mean that your gf/bf will run away or you can't give watches because that means he/she will die. So, Rhema and I were talking to Christine about these pantangs. Then Rhema went, "If you give you boyfriend/girlfriend glasses, it means he/she will look at other girls/boys." Christine seriously believed that one until we said that it was just a lie. The new phrase of the week for our class is, "spill with skill."
Monday, April 17, 2006
Colour blind & word blind
"It's lemon juice."
"Ya right!"
First time in my life I actually saw lemon juice that wasn't yellowish. Or, perhaps, I was colour blind? Like the time when somebody's grey cap became red, although I still think it is red. Or yesterday when I went, "Shakespear isn't spelt like that! It's S-H-A-K-E-S-P-E-A-R! Wait...isn't that the same thing???" That's word-blind. School starts tomorrow..sigh...The font size of my blog could be labelled pretty big already, right? Hopefully someone can actually read it now...sheesh. My aunty and uncle are moving into Polarwood, they live right in front of my Form2 maths teacher, Cikgu Rita!!! So just know, my aunty and uncle went to their house to supervise some drilling or whatever it was, so they dropped off my two cousins Stella and Edrea at my house since we live pretty near to their new house. Stella just had her tonsils removed so she couldn't eat dinner with us, she ate cereal bars instead. Apparently, she has a new obsession again, once it was as labelled...alarm clock *rolls eyes* and then it became salmon *rolls eyes* and then I think it was tuna or hawaiian??? Whatever, it's Chipu now. Whatever that stands for. Only Theo keeps up with these stuff. Apparently Chipu lives two blocks away from her new house. *rolls eyes*
Time had past,
I didn't know what was to expect,
But when I look back,
I see somebody different,
It was that cheerful boy,
Who ran from house to house,
Trying to get somebody,
To addopt a few stray kittens,
It was that devoted boy,
Who insisted that all of us,
Had to go to church,
Every single Saturday without fail,
It was that very boy,
That we all remembered,
And spent our moments with,
As often as we all could,
But now I don't know what to say,
To or about the stranger,
That stood in front of me,
With that unfamiliar air of arrogance,
He lived his life,
Like he was a millionaire,
He wasted time and money,
Just to impress a crowd he hardly knew,
He was that very boy,
Who never cared what people thought,
But now, he's that very boy,
Who cared as if the world depended on it,
He forgets all those who once knew him.
(A Trinietie Production 2006& copyrighted)
"Ya right!"
First time in my life I actually saw lemon juice that wasn't yellowish. Or, perhaps, I was colour blind? Like the time when somebody's grey cap became red, although I still think it is red. Or yesterday when I went, "Shakespear isn't spelt like that! It's S-H-A-K-E-S-P-E-A-R! Wait...isn't that the same thing???" That's word-blind. School starts tomorrow..sigh...The font size of my blog could be labelled pretty big already, right? Hopefully someone can actually read it now...sheesh. My aunty and uncle are moving into Polarwood, they live right in front of my Form2 maths teacher, Cikgu Rita!!! So just know, my aunty and uncle went to their house to supervise some drilling or whatever it was, so they dropped off my two cousins Stella and Edrea at my house since we live pretty near to their new house. Stella just had her tonsils removed so she couldn't eat dinner with us, she ate cereal bars instead. Apparently, she has a new obsession again, once it was as labelled...alarm clock *rolls eyes* and then it became salmon *rolls eyes* and then I think it was tuna or hawaiian??? Whatever, it's Chipu now. Whatever that stands for. Only Theo keeps up with these stuff. Apparently Chipu lives two blocks away from her new house. *rolls eyes*
Time had past,
I didn't know what was to expect,
But when I look back,
I see somebody different,
It was that cheerful boy,
Who ran from house to house,
Trying to get somebody,
To addopt a few stray kittens,
It was that devoted boy,
Who insisted that all of us,
Had to go to church,
Every single Saturday without fail,
It was that very boy,
That we all remembered,
And spent our moments with,
As often as we all could,
But now I don't know what to say,
To or about the stranger,
That stood in front of me,
With that unfamiliar air of arrogance,
He lived his life,
Like he was a millionaire,
He wasted time and money,
Just to impress a crowd he hardly knew,
He was that very boy,
Who never cared what people thought,
But now, he's that very boy,
Who cared as if the world depended on it,
He forgets all those who once knew him.
(A Trinietie Production 2006& copyrighted)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Taekwondo President
You would never guess who is the new taekwondo president of St.Thomas...Teh Tat Yang!! I spent hours literally hunting for blogskins...ugh...Well, I was particular over it. I was only looking for pink blogskins. As I said, they should have made life easier by classing them into different colours. The debate's this Wednesday..I wonder how it turns out to be. Win or loose? Got practice at Esther's house tomorrow at 10am...that means, I got to wake up early. I'm finally getting streamyx!!!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Shopping sprees...
Woke up at 7.30, I finished writing my script into flash cards by 9am like that after I rearranged my wardrobe.I vowed to stay home to do some revision before exam but instead, I couldn't resist going shopping with my parents instead while they took my grandmother out to get a haircut. Then, we happened to be at the RLC sneal preview at Tun Jugah, people were like so amused by the whole thing. Just came back from tuition.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
She had the nerves...I am soooo annoyed. She yelled at me in the canteen, who does she think she is? It started like this. In St. Teresa, you are not allowed to buy food or drinks after the end of break bell rings and then my classmate bought mineral water which, is ALLOWED. Then, comes along this annoying girl who is actually only form3, 3a4 or 3a6, buys coke, I told her I had to confisticate her drink and give her demerit and she was like screaming and shouting in my face that why can't she buy coke and she saw my classmate buying coke and she was screaming and yelling. I was like talking clamly at first then slowly my voice started rising and rising but then I remembered Tiffany didn't allow prefects to yell, it was a rule to stay calm so okay...swallow back everything and go back to the 'professional voice'....Ugh! I would have started yelling at her if I hadn't remembered my PR. She was cursing in Bahasa Sarawak as well...annoyoing. Like, she was the first person to yell at me and didn't get yelled back at...what else to say that she's only Form3 and considering the fact that I've snapped at Form5s....I am so not pleased...I feel like going back and yelling at her..although I know...it's stupid...
What a strange day today, Christine, Rhema and I enteretained ourselves for 2-3 periods with a modified version of hangman because most of the teachers were busy entertaining our Australian guests.Prefect's telematch on the 29th, first right, everyone crowded around the board eysterday, the Form4s filled up all the space so practically nobody else had a chance except Rhe and I and then today, Tiffany came up with a new list....every Form must have a few prefects. Fairer la, in a way.
What a strange day today, Christine, Rhema and I enteretained ourselves for 2-3 periods with a modified version of hangman because most of the teachers were busy entertaining our Australian guests.Prefect's telematch on the 29th, first right, everyone crowded around the board eysterday, the Form4s filled up all the space so practically nobody else had a chance except Rhe and I and then today, Tiffany came up with a new list....every Form must have a few prefects. Fairer la, in a way.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Telling a blogger not to steal

"Telling a blogger not to steal is like telling mice not to eat."----hmmm...did I hear that from Cedric the octopus? Nevermind...I shall pretend I never heard that.
Brilliant! Simply brilliant, it's a holiday tomorrow. That means I can finally have 12 hours of rest. You know, use time up to its' maximum limit. Terrific, I have 5 G-soft pens missing, 2 rulers and one Pilot pen missing from my pencil case right after one of the floating classes used 3A1. Great, now I will need to hit the stationary shop tonight. Yet I just hit it two days ago. Wonderful... Enjoyed watching Azureen, Amirah, Zahira and Wendy argue over who was to be first speaker, who to be third and who to be reserved, seems like no objections on being second speaker. Wonder what's so nice about first speaker and the fear of being 3rd speaker? 3rd seems nice as you don't really need a script. So, back to the story. They cast lots and then.....traded lots. Defeats the entire purpose of castlots. Sam came up with a strange question yesterday at music class, she went, "which is faster? a tortoise or a snail?". We debated over that and came up with the conclusion that tortoises were faster cos they took bigger steps. So...slow as a tortoise couldn't possibly be an insult....
Saturday, April 8, 2006
Easter bunnies and self-psycho

I like this picture, stole it off Cedric's blog. Since Easter is coming up, I shall let you people stare at two Easter chocolate bunnies.
Thursday I told Jason without meaning it, "hope your pens all no ink then you drop your pen in exam" and then we were laughing about it. Then Friday he sits for exams and he told me, "Gab! You know exam time, I dropped my pen then no ink then kept dropping and then my pen all no ink luckily got one gel pen left!" Wah, he must have really psycho himself for that to happen...strange la, how come that can happen and yet no pit bulls chase him???
This is all Cedric's fault...
How many schools did i go to?
St. Teresa's Kindi, St. Teresa's Primary, and then St Teresa's Secondary.
Was i the studious nerd or the last minute hero?
Where would the study-in-front-of-the-tv kind of person fit into?
Was i the class Ta Jie or the teacher's pet?
What was the biggest rule i broke in school?
Egh...was too angelic, played by the rules to avoid tainting my clean zero demerits record.
3 subjects i enjoyed
Maths- Cracks the brain up.
Science - Setting alcohol on fire (not paying attention to what we were doing)
English- Does not require much studying except literature component.
3 teachers that inspired me
Mr Tan Shu Hwa (actually got 93 for sejarah for the first time and maintained it this term)
Puan Tan Pek Hwang (she's great at Maths)
Cikgu Rita (the teacher that followed by car home and checks on me everytime in class...)
People i tag:
How many schools did i go to?
St. Teresa's Kindi, St. Teresa's Primary, and then St Teresa's Secondary.
Was i the studious nerd or the last minute hero?
Where would the study-in-front-of-the-tv kind of person fit into?
Was i the class Ta Jie or the teacher's pet?
What was the biggest rule i broke in school?
Egh...was too angelic, played by the rules to avoid tainting my clean zero demerits record.
3 subjects i enjoyed
Maths- Cracks the brain up.
Science - Setting alcohol on fire (not paying attention to what we were doing)
English- Does not require much studying except literature component.
3 teachers that inspired me
Mr Tan Shu Hwa (actually got 93 for sejarah for the first time and maintained it this term)
Puan Tan Pek Hwang (she's great at Maths)
Cikgu Rita (the teacher that followed by car home and checks on me everytime in class...)
People i tag:
Brilliant luck
Goes into the staffroom. Puan Shirley and this male teacher sits by the sofa, folding little pieces of paper. Then goes, "Team1 and Team2, please." I could feel my heart beating faster, I was thinking, "oh please, please, please let it be opposition..." and picks up a tiny folded paper, opens it, jaw drops, big letters in blue that says, 'GOVERNMENT'. That means...I support the motion of the day which, is 'SCHOOL EXAMS SHOULD BE ABOLISHED'. Ugh. My team mates all wanted opposition. Some luck I had.
Sat infront of the computer almost the whole day, research for more points. The debate is this 19th of April. Wish me luck....
Sat infront of the computer almost the whole day, research for more points. The debate is this 19th of April. Wish me luck....
Friday, April 7, 2006
Stampin won the finals!
STAMPIN MADE IT TO THE FINALS! Congratulations! Wow, can you believe it, all the st. schools are out of the debate already yesterday except 'St. Ampin' (Rhema's dad made that one up). St. Mary lost to St. Teresa during the first round and St. Teresa lost to Batu Lintang during the second round yesterday. Speaking of St. Teresa's second round, the Thomians lost their first round debate to Green Road School and a few came in to watch the debate. Okay, then there was this Thomian who was a SORE LOSER (ahem, ahem, don't mean it seriously) and couldn't bear the fact that he had lost to St. Teresa for three years in a row. So he, hmf! What a lousy friend, supported Batu Lintang and went against St. Teresa! How can!!! If I knew, I should have walked into the room (wherever it is) that St. Thomas was debating against Green Road and cheered, clapped and supported the Green Road debaters when I was in St. Thomas yesterday!!! They lost the Green Road probably because they kept going, "can you please not talk like that.". Because the Green Road debaters are sort of aggresive but they just replied, "...this is a debate! ~dadadada~..." St. Joseph lost to Stampin during second round yesterday. Ugh you would never believe how stupid can one debater be until he is stupid enough to use such a point! The stand for their team was, "handphones should be allowed in school" and his reason for supporting that stand was...Okay, it went something like this...
"...lets take this scenario. For the girls ar, I am very sorry to say this. Let's say you get your period and you are in the library and you need a handphone to call your mother or friends to bring you a sanitary pad! You can't walk to the public phone (like the opposing team had said about public phones for emergencies) and have blood leaking around!!!" says the SJS debater.
------------one word in everybody's mind....HUH????!!!!---------------
"...can always ask the librarian," (something like that) one of the Stampin debaters said.
"...but what if the librarian was a guy, he wouldn't know anything about it!" says the SJS debator.
What on earth! What a silly point! Like......like......no words to describe....taking the phone out of your pocket and calling your friends/mum to bring you one is like stupid. I've never heard of such a silly thing. Argh, it's the finals going on now! I wanna watch it but I don't want to stay back in St. Thomas until almost 6.00pm! I hope Stampin wins the finals. You know what....next year I shall walk into the room where St. Thomas debaters are debating and go cheer for the opposing team...just like some people did. *grins*. -----(several hours later)---I got NEWS! STAMPIN WON THE FINALS! Next debate on 29th April at Limbang.
"...lets take this scenario. For the girls ar, I am very sorry to say this. Let's say you get your period and you are in the library and you need a handphone to call your mother or friends to bring you a sanitary pad! You can't walk to the public phone (like the opposing team had said about public phones for emergencies) and have blood leaking around!!!" says the SJS debater.
------------one word in everybody's mind....HUH????!!!!---------------
"...can always ask the librarian," (something like that) one of the Stampin debaters said.
"...but what if the librarian was a guy, he wouldn't know anything about it!" says the SJS debator.
What on earth! What a silly point! Like......like......no words to describe....taking the phone out of your pocket and calling your friends/mum to bring you one is like stupid. I've never heard of such a silly thing. Argh, it's the finals going on now! I wanna watch it but I don't want to stay back in St. Thomas until almost 6.00pm! I hope Stampin wins the finals. You know what....next year I shall walk into the room where St. Thomas debaters are debating and go cheer for the opposing team...just like some people did. *grins*. -----(several hours later)---I got NEWS! STAMPIN WON THE FINALS! Next debate on 29th April at Limbang.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Debate in St.Thomas
Okay, out of the blues again...around 8.25, a bombshell dropped! Just like that, Winnie informs us that Puan Kong wants to take the four of us (Esther, Nisha, Kristen and I) to SMK. St. Thomas to watch the interschool debate so that we could gain experience for next year. We weren't even informed about it the day before or anything. Just like that and we left in Puan Kong's red kelisa to St.Thomas. The Form4s were debating against St.Mary and they cast lot and were the opposition for the stand which was, "Homework is a Burden". So, from 8.30 to 9.50, Esther, Nisha, Kristen and I sat in St. Thomas canteen. Okay, I really admire the school for one thing, cleanliness. No rubbish! No sweet wrappers just like you would find in St. Teresa that we prefects need to pick up early in the morning! Then, we came to a conclusion why St. Thomas was so clean, the canteen dose NOT sell JUNK FOOD! So that means no candy wrappers and etc. Maybe Mr. Su should do that to St. Teresa, healthy eating and cleaner grounds. The canteen looks like a food court, so much different compared to our canteen plus...where can you ever find roti canai stores in school canteens? Strangest school canteen ever. Never seen one quite like that. Puan Kong and Puan Sandy had some food there and Rhema's mother (a Stampin school teacher in charge of her school's debate) was there eating too. Then Puan Kong, Puan Sandy and the rest of us sat by the two stairs that lead up to the English SALC room and whatever other rooms there are. Another conclusion we made was that Thomians were vain, check out how many mirrors they have hanging on random walls. The girls' toilets weren't as clean as St. Teresa's girls' first floor toilets but still quite clean perhaps just old looking that's all and it was way, way behind the science blocks. What a funny place to place a toilet. Then, the debate started between St. Mary and St. Teresa, it was Ann Marie Tan, Sonia Luhong and Jylene Tay for St. Mary against Jervynna Teh, Diyana and Felicity. The first two speakers from St. Mary had pretty weak points...kind of stupid if you ask me. The third speaker was much better than the other two. Well of course...St. Teresa won!!! St. Teresa leads the way!!! Congrates, congrates. So, we Form3s had to leave around 12.30 like that when it ended, Puan Sandy took us back to school. So practically, we didn't study today at all, we hung around in St. Thomas the entire morning. Luckily, the teachers didn't teach much. So then, afternoon from 2pm to 5pm (which, it was suppose to end at 4pm!!!) I had to attend this emcee workshop by Dunstan Chan. Not bad pretty interesting except for the fact that it was one hour longer than it was supposed to be. It was all about planning for St. Teresa's concert night on the 22nd of April and talked about rehearsal, sound checks and dadadadada...Then we had to read passages to show him where our reading skills lie at. Then we got split up into two groups to write the emcee speech for that night and something about a winning team. Kind of forgot bits about it, the next emcee workshop will be on the next Wednesday. Then at 4pm right...I remembered, "oh yeaaah...St. Teresa's debate against Batu Lintang ends now. I wonder what they got???". Then approximately 10-15 minutes later, the debaters came in, crying, they lost...argh! How can! Claudia and Felicity (the two debaters who were in the resource room with us preparing for tomorrow's debate) stopped typing their speeches instantly. Sigh, welcome to the debating world, winners sweepers, losers weepers. When I was back in the English SALC room at St. Thomas I overheard one of the teachers talking about St. Thomas' victory over some school in debating despite not having a stand and how could they win without a stand. Wonder who were the debaters for St. Thomas, I overheard a Form5 student's name while standing near the registration table but no idea who were the rest. Speaking of debates, my debate team still hadn't gotten our topic yet...such short time for preparation! Since it is this coming Wednesday
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Florence Nightingale or ...Clarence Nightingale???
Tuesday- All my Saturdays this April are packed! Really, really packed!
1) 8th April 2006- RC lecture on first aid
2) 15th April 2006- RC AGM
3) 22nd April 2006- RC Telematch
4) 29th April 2006- RC lecture on first aid
Then school we got to enter this port folio-making competition and winner gets Pizza Hut vouchers...sheesh... what a waste of my time only. So doing it with Esther, Nisha, Rhema and Mich. Today, Rhema and I spent our time trying to forge signatures and handwritings. Oh, Esther's turn for aural was today, she gave her aural with demonstration of a deck of cards. Fascinating...nobody did that so far. My topic for tomorrow would be about neighbours. I'll post the neighbours topic up if I have time this week. Oh, apparently someone broke off Clarence Nightingale's arms and legs. Clarence is Nisha's new class pet, a frog. My file exploded again today...got a new file, this time I hope it doesn't explode. It's a pink file...Oh, bought a new storybook to read yesterday, hadn't read for ages. Reading 'Taiko' or 'Ta Ge'. Rather nice true Malaysian story. Halfway through the book. Will post more about the book if I have time and if I feel like. Oh yea, we had javelin throw today and guess what, my javelin kept somersaulting before it 'cacah' the soil. Teacher claims it is 'salah sudut' when we threw...
1) 8th April 2006- RC lecture on first aid
2) 15th April 2006- RC AGM
3) 22nd April 2006- RC Telematch
4) 29th April 2006- RC lecture on first aid
Then school we got to enter this port folio-making competition and winner gets Pizza Hut vouchers...sheesh... what a waste of my time only. So doing it with Esther, Nisha, Rhema and Mich. Today, Rhema and I spent our time trying to forge signatures and handwritings. Oh, Esther's turn for aural was today, she gave her aural with demonstration of a deck of cards. Fascinating...nobody did that so far. My topic for tomorrow would be about neighbours. I'll post the neighbours topic up if I have time this week. Oh, apparently someone broke off Clarence Nightingale's arms and legs. Clarence is Nisha's new class pet, a frog. My file exploded again today...got a new file, this time I hope it doesn't explode. It's a pink file...Oh, bought a new storybook to read yesterday, hadn't read for ages. Reading 'Taiko' or 'Ta Ge'. Rather nice true Malaysian story. Halfway through the book. Will post more about the book if I have time and if I feel like. Oh yea, we had javelin throw today and guess what, my javelin kept somersaulting before it 'cacah' the soil. Teacher claims it is 'salah sudut' when we threw...
Monday, April 3, 2006
Adam & Eve Wau Project

Okay, out of the blues this morning, a bombshell fell. Confession...ohhhh noo...I couldn't remember how to do the whole thing. Okay, I admit, I make one rather lousy Catholic. So Kristen and I were like "how, how, how to say the thing already?". Kristen asked some St. Jude tuition teacher that she knew and he replied her, "Kristen! How could you! How can you be a nun if you can't even do a simple confession! I'm busy, I don't have time for this!" Okay...went to church, I got the book from the back and started to memorize the thing. But when I went into the confession room, I forgot bits here and there and Father Albert was like laughing at me. Then, I went back to Science lab after that. Then we had P.Seni. We had to complete our wau corak. So last week, I drew that corak (look at the picture above). So, Michelle was like, "how to cut???" End up teacher told us to trace the corak I drew onto the wau. So, Rhema and I did the tracing. Despite how many times Rhema traced her side (the darker side), nothing appeared on the white wau. I traced once, and everything went onto the wau. Then after tracing, we couldn't decide what to draw to fill up the space. Rhema suggested a butterfly, so I was doodling on the wau. I told her, lets draw a butterfly sliced into half. And Rhema, apparently thinking sideways, got a completely different idea of what I drew and said it look like butterflies busy at 'something'. Then since our pattern looked like something out of Adam and Eve, we were laughing and saying that the apple was missing so I drew an apple then...ahem...modified the apple to have a toilet bowl and a worm on top of it. Unfortunately, I forgot that worms didn't have legs, and I ended up drawing what Rhema called as a centipede. End up, our final pattern for that corner was a pumpkin with long winding vines and leaves. Then today, Puan Tan was telling us the story about the "amy guy in the sampan". Everyone was like laughing. I got my aural on Wednesday for English...got to look for a topic to blab on. Apparently, thinking about using the same piece of paper about cloning that I use every year since Form 1 to Form 2.
Sunday, April 2, 2006
Dare meh? Rasa ah beng.
"I see you like so kuai, like nerd or geek but end up you talk like pai kia. I even dare to go scratch her car, you think I am afraid of Puan Chen meh?" (yesterday)
"Give me Joshua's email add."
"You ask Joshua on your own this friday la." (I don't give out people's contacts without asking them first."
"Invite him la."
---after I invited Joshua---
"What for you invite him? I ask you to meh?"
---opens new con with me---
"Shit you."
"Shit? Need to shit? Got toilet." I replied.
"Watta hell."
"Hell is down below." I replied.
"How down."
"I dunno, why don't you ask Lucifer to show you where is the stop sign."
Oh please...either you really 'understand' me or completely got it all the other way round. Like having contoh karangans make you one. Sheesh. Like the first among all to call me a nerd/geek/paikia. I was telling Joshua about this just now and he was laughing saying, "ya meh, you don't scare me." Scratch her car...as if la. When pigs fly. Some friend of Michelle's, who sits behind me in Puan Chen and might be going to the same maths tuition that Michelle and I go to. I went to Kota Padawan, to visit my grandmother, she's now staying at the farmhouse, she enjoys planting. They sold off the dalmation and now got two german shepard puppies. The fat dog is still there, it's really friendly, was tagging after me. They still kept the boxer. Then we drove past Kota Sentosa. Cool, I saw the mental hospital. They did foggin at Sentosa there. Rather filthy-looking place if you ask me.
"Give me Joshua's email add."
"You ask Joshua on your own this friday la." (I don't give out people's contacts without asking them first."
"Invite him la."
---after I invited Joshua---
"What for you invite him? I ask you to meh?"
---opens new con with me---
"Shit you."
"Shit? Need to shit? Got toilet." I replied.
"Watta hell."
"Hell is down below." I replied.
"How down."
"I dunno, why don't you ask Lucifer to show you where is the stop sign."
Oh please...either you really 'understand' me or completely got it all the other way round. Like having contoh karangans make you one. Sheesh. Like the first among all to call me a nerd/geek/paikia. I was telling Joshua about this just now and he was laughing saying, "ya meh, you don't scare me." Scratch her car...as if la. When pigs fly. Some friend of Michelle's, who sits behind me in Puan Chen and might be going to the same maths tuition that Michelle and I go to. I went to Kota Padawan, to visit my grandmother, she's now staying at the farmhouse, she enjoys planting. They sold off the dalmation and now got two german shepard puppies. The fat dog is still there, it's really friendly, was tagging after me. They still kept the boxer. Then we drove past Kota Sentosa. Cool, I saw the mental hospital. They did foggin at Sentosa there. Rather filthy-looking place if you ask me.
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