Saturday, May 28, 2005

Praise the Lord!

I spent the whole morning at taekwondo then I went to NIIT for some webteam thingie then I went over to my grandparents house and only at 11.30pm then i got to go online. Neways...HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Omg...exams are over....I feel so happy. I've waited a life time for that moment to arive...and now it has...JOY TO THE WORLD! PRAISE LORD JESUS CHRIST! Anyway, tomorrow I'll be busy at dinner, welcoming back dinner. Then Monday I'll be out to the movies, watching house of wax. Then Tuesday...ahhh..gtg, byeeee!

Monday, May 2, 2005


I'm so bored now. I spent like 2 hours this morning studying History, tell me that I'm nuts. I put a picture of Mie & Shell & me in my wallet! I've spent my whole morning scanning pictures as well. My dad's baking some cake now, dunno what is it. Lazy to type today,